Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Bird's Eye View

We had quite strong winds last night, more like October weather but they have dropped today.  At the moment we have very hazy sunshine but heavy rain is supposed to be coming our way. We shall see, often in our little corner of England, whatever they predict misses us completely.  We do need some rain though.

Mike was in the attic yesterday looking for something he wanted.  He happened to go through some framed pictures - we change some of our pictures around from time to time. We moved here from a much bigger house so we cannot put everything up at once.  He came across this aerial view of our home taken a few years back so I thought you might like to have a bird's eye view today.

I have outlined our property with white dots and that is why they are not completely straight.  It has changed since then.  We now have a very big pond in the garden so the little one we originally had, does not show.  Our car is now much smaller and silver not maroon, the tree in the front garden has gone, not through choice, it just went completely brown and had to be taken out.  Our greenhouse has been moved. The black square at the back of the property is the roof of our sun lounge.  We are hoping that one day it will be possible to get another aerial shot so that we have the before and the after. 


Hopefully you can see the dots clearly enough.  It is quite sad to see the next door garden again as it was, full of flowers and kept immaculate even though the owner was in his very late eighties.  It was such a picture.  They were wonderful neighbours and friends. Alas, they passed away. The new people, although saying they  were keen gardeners, ripped everything out.  Beautiful old roses, wonderful mature shrubs, perennials of every kind. They stripped it bare both back and front.  Then they concreted the front over. Our old neighbour would have been broken-hearted. He tended that garden with great love for over fifty years, it was his pride and joy and with me being a keen garden, the two gardens looked beautiful and often got compliments from passers-by. Still, life moves on and we have to accept it.

On a different note, I took a shot of one tub of our winter pansies yesterday, they are doing well now.

We watched the Pride of Britain Awards on television last night. I never fail to be moved by the courage of people, especially the children. Children always touch your heart and when you see a little girl facially disfigured by fire and having to wear a special mask (she was in a store and a person with a grude against the store threw a petrol bomb into it and she was engulfed) how can you not be moved?   She has never complained, never minded the treatment, faces years of operations. She is a bubbly happy little girl with lots of friends. Another girl had her leg terribly injured on two occasions but when a fire broke out in her house, although in extreme pain, she rescued her little brother and dragged him from the house.  Children can make us feel very humble at times.

Now for a bit of fun.  Halloween will soon be here.  Fancy carving a pumpkin but not sure how? What tools will you use? If you want to know - and have a laugh,  please visit here:-

How To Carve A Pumpkin

You have been warned!


Hope you all have a good day.


Anonymous said...

Thats just lovely Jeannette - hope you can get an after picture - and the Pansies are so colourful...We bought a picture of our property from a chappie at the door a few weeks ago. may post it later....Ally

Anonymous said...

Great aerial shot of your house, looks lovely :)  Shame the new neighbour ripped everything out next door if it was as lovely as you say, makes you wonder why :(  Will visit the how to carve a pumpkin site later, sure the kids will want to do their own this year.

Jo xx

Anonymous said...

Hello Jeannette,
Love the aerial view of the house. Hope you are able to get another aerial shot, soon. It's really sad your neighbors got rid of all the plants, can't imagine a concrete front yard. Your Pansies are gorgeous! I don't have much of a green thumb...but it doesn't stop me from trying. lol.           ~Deborah

Anonymous said...

You know what they say about not being able to walk a straight line, don't know if that goes for typing one too? Vodka and orange for me please? Keep laughing. Love your pansies.
Sylvia xx

Anonymous said...

What a great thing to have done, shame about the neighbours garden but can't wait for the after shot. Been to the pumpkin site, thanks was really helpful lol

Anonymous said...

My youngest just laffed at the pumpkin link <gg> Cool to see your house bit of s shame about next doors garden like...the pansies look fab i love pansies but didn't get any planted this year at all......Caff xx

Anonymous said...

Love the witchy looking grafic. You house looked pretty in the days gone by. I love the pansies. I have not plante dany yet and probably won't this year. To much going on. Have a good day!. Helen

Anonymous said...

Your ariel picture looks good, Shame about next doors garden. The pansies look great ,mine are very tiny yet only planted them last week they are the CanCan
variety an.d will hope fully have frilly edges......... Jeanxx

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed the "fly over" of your home and property.  The winter pansies are beautiful.  Hope that you are doing well.  The neighbor that I hired to work on my addition is doing extremely well.  I am helping to cut boards with my mitre saw and doing some nailing.  I have not had to strain my back, so I'm finding out what I can do within my limitations.   Will have some photos soon to post when I have time.       Take care,    mark

Anonymous said...

Very cool aerial view.  Before I even notice the dots depicting which house was yours, I could tell by the back garden!  :)

Anonymous said...

You had good foresight there Jeannette to take a birds eye view, it's a a wonderful idea to be able to look back and see changes.  Autumn has finally settled herself in.  Love that pic at the top too.  Permanent red nose and empty box of tissues when they show the bravery of folks, people are amazing. Rache xx

Anonymous said...

Great Ariel View! What a wonderful Idea.... your always so creative! The Pansies are beautiful ;o)  
(((Love & Hugs)))

Anonymous said...

There is something refreshing about gardening. I'm sad to hear that your neighborhood is so affected. I hope it won't always be so!

Anonymous said...

oh the pansies are so stunning!!!

Anonymous said...

I love your aerial photo.  I have one (somewhere) of the place were I grew up.  My folks bought the house on 10 acres in 1952 and they had a friend who also flew over and took a picture of the place.  Pansies have such delightful little faces and are certainly cheerful as winter approaches.

Anonymous said...

Lovely photo's today Jeannette, really like the aerial shot of your home and garden, which looks beautiful, and the lady at the top of the entry :o)  
We watched the Pride of Britain awards last night too, the only awards ceremony that I really bother with.  Both hubby and I were in tears watching, it was very moving wasn't it.
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

To start the page the lady in the burnt orange dress is lovely marvelous effect ,the wind blowing ,Then the ariel view of your house ,most interesting I bet you were pleased Mike unearthed that one , your winter pancys are prettyI particulaly like the black and white one ,we bought three haging baskets of winter pancys ,and some to plant in the other pots     Jan xx

Anonymous said...

I did tell myself I would not watch the P.O.B. awards as I was feeling stressed but it calmed me and made me feel very proud to be British! I shed a few tears as well tho!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I did the pumpkin thing - what a surprise!  You are so good to cheer me up !  The cloudy days - 6 straight here - are starting to get to me - I'm sunshine deprived.  You have a lovely house and garden.  It makes so much difference with all the plants and things.  I think what we put in and around our house reflects our personality !  You have a happy one !  'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

Really neat to see the overview! I wish we had before and afters as we make progress at our humble homestead, but the best we can do is that Google Earth satelite view, ha ha

~ Karyn

Anonymous said...

That is a lovely photo of your home Jeannette,  I love your winding garden path, ours is very straight and boring and it will have to change!  I forgot the Pride of Britain awards were on, but when I`ve seen it in the past I have found it very humbling.

Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

I jjjust cccarved the pppumkin Jeannette, you`ve not heard the last of this...lolol!!!

quiveringly yours!

Sandra xxxxx

Anonymous said...

Jeanette that's a neat thing to have, the details in the picture are really good. Shame about your neighbor though, sounds like we had similiar things happen. I bought my Mom & Dad's house when they wanted to move for retirement, Mom had a beautiful established rock garden with all sorts of perenials and a miniature red maple tree, people would stop on the street to view the garden.  We lived there for five years until we too decided to moved down south. The people we sold it to, I found out later, ripped everything out, cemented paradise so their dog could crap there......lovely people - if I could go back I would not of sold the house to them......Sandi

Anonymous said...

The ariel photo of the house is really neat! My parents purchased one from a fellow who was just going door to door. He took the photos with his own plane and then went around selling prints to the home owners in the neighborhood. It looks really nice all framed and hung.

Anonymous said...

loved the birds eye view of your house.Seems a lot of people are having low maintainence concrete gardens these days. Thank you SO MUCH for the pumpkin link!!

Anonymous said...

Fab pics Jeannette - thanks for sharing them :-)  Your house looks lovely - shame about the next door neighbours garden :-(  Your pansies are very colourful.  I used to know a girl who had to go through something fairly similiar to that girl you mentioned.  The girl I knew had acid thrown in her face when she was babysitting.  She never once complained or had a bad word to say against the people who'd done it!!

Anonymous said...

Wind, rain...sounds like the weather we just got rid of here.  Drizzle here all day today.  I love the aerial view of your house...that is neat.  The outline is a great the graphic and the tub of pansies, pansies are my all time favorite...yours are just beautiful.  Thanks for the link on the pumpkin carving and the warning to check this out!  LOL

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing the view of your home... And the winter pansies are beautiful!!
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

I can't watch those programmes I cry like a big girl! Love the aeriel shot :)


Anonymous said...

I love the view of your house and your yard is beautiful. a neighbor 2 houses down from me sold their house and the same thing happened to their yard. They concreted almost everthing and cut down many beautiful huge trees and shrubs and beautiful flowers like they were garbage now their house is very ugly they put up ugly guards on windows and doors I always look on the other side of the street when I drive by. The people who sold it to them cried when they saw all of their hard work on that yard was gone.

Anonymous said...

Lovely pictures jeanette.
Love the flowers.  Thanks for the warning, I scared myself silly!!!!!
Helen x