Monday, October 17, 2005


A real October morning, very misty and so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

We spent the weekend catching up on much needed jobs that had been neglected, mainly cleaning out cupboards. You know the type of thing, you heap into cupboards things you are sure you will need again in the future and they sit there and sit there. So we decided to get ruthless. They say if you have something for a year and do not use it then you do not need it.  So out came folders, boxes, tins, hats and lots of handbags. I never struck me before how many I had of the latter.  Some had been given as presents so there was sentiment attached, some had seen better days and I have no idea now why I kept them.  We had a productive time and certainly got rid of some junk. I usually get great satisfaction from doing a job like that but one thing spoiled it.  We had been going up and down a set of small steps to get to the high cupboards. I do not know if it was all the reaching up and in or the fact that, towards the end, I missed the last step and twisted myself, but I have hurt my back, started it off quite badly so I am in a lot of discomfort, not to say pain today which has taken some of the gilding off the whole thing.  So, nothing for it but to rest and favour my back and, of course, cut down my computer time. We do not notice the passing of time, we feel the same mentally but the fact is, that with the weight of years we cannot do as easily or quickly the things we used to do. Even him indoors has lots of aches and pains today.

Becky's house is now free from all workmen.  Until Saturday they still had a large skip in their garden full of rubbish and for most of last week they were having a driveway laid to replace the old and damaged one. Now everything has been cleared away and Becky no longer has to make endless cups of tea. Dean spent yesterday reclaiming a couple of flower beds that had been buried under bricks and concrete and general waste and planting shrubs and lots of spring bulbs. I hope to get a photograph for you in the not too distant future.

One bright and lovely thing. Daniel is now smiling!  They just melt your heart when they smile don't they? So here are the latest picturesof him.  No new ones of Nathan, he does not stand still long enough!

On that happy note, I am going to make a cup of tea and relax for today.

Have a great week everyone.


Anonymous said...

Isn't Daniel adorable!  Sorry about your back, hope it heals up soon!  Linda

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette, as a fellow sufferer of back problems you have my deapest sympathy. Hope it gets better soon. Do you like a hot water bottle on it I find it helps.  Baby is looking really  happy smiling away.  A happy baby nothing like it. Love Joan.  Just heard them say they are going to cover backpain on Good Morning later today.

Anonymous said...

Sory that sshould have been This Morning. Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

Sorry you hurt your back...but a least you won't have to clean out those cupboards, for another year. Daniel's smile is contagious, can't help but smile right along with him.  Bet Dean and Becky are glad they have their house finally finished. Take care.                     ~Deborah

Anonymous said...

I cleared out my cupboards this weekend as well-there must have been something in the air! lol.I hope you back soon feels better-i suffer with back problems as well,so i know how painful it can be.what a lovely smile Nathan has-just the thing to brighten up a monday morning.

Anonymous said...

oooops,sorry,Daniel,lol,you have a lovely smile! (but so of course so does nathan as well!)

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette,Pleased you had a clear out thats what I ought to do, be ruthless I am such a horder! Sorry you hurt yourself, I know how you feel as this time last year I fell off a high stool looking on top of the wardrobe for Christmas paper, broke my right wrist and had to write my christmas cards out with my left hand. I got out of plaster just in time for Christmas!! We were also moving house at the time.Like you said...... the minds willing but the body is getting older. On that happy note........Love Jeanxx

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a very nice weekend...and Daniel is so cute...the smile is so big and make me happy to see such a beautiful happy baby!  
Glad all is working out for Becky to be free of the workmen...that's great news.  You have a wonderful week ahead and enjoy that tea!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful baby with a beautiful smile
Love Helen x

Anonymous said...

Oh Jeannette! and it seemed such a good idea at the time ,now you are having to pay for it! well done getting all that sorting out done,now your all ready to start filling it up again,with more might come in handys ,you pricked my concience I should look through my handbags.........and shoes.........and oo never mind ,One day ??Rest that back ,hope you soon feel better ,keep looking at Daniels picture that is a tonic in itself ,its great Beckys got her home back ,Ibet its lovely now for her ,and well worth the upheaval ,now shes this side of it , Jan xx  

Anonymous said...

They all fill up a bit too soon don't they, I love cleaning out cupboards and coming across things I'd forgotten all about. Daniel is adorable

Anonymous said...

Yikes hope the back pain clears up soon...Put a hot water bottle on it or get one of those *wheaties* you heat up in microwave to put on it.......Caff xx

Anonymous said...

Jeannette, sorry about the back trouble...Yes rest is (I am told) the best cure....Daniel has a lovely smile, he is an adorable little chap.....Ally

Anonymous said...

Be sure and take some Motrin for that back!
The pictures sure do warm you up!
Cool here this morning. Finally feels like October.
I think I will fix me a cup of tea now too!

Anonymous said...

Hope your back feels better soon.  Daniel is a little cutie!

Anonymous said...

Pretty grapic today. Sorry you have hurt your back. I know the feeling. Mine doesn't feel good today either  on account of lifting some flowers inside where the cold would not kill them. I had no choice but to leave one really big pot of peace lilies outside as Ken is nor supposed to lift heavy things either. I saw the temp had dropped to 39ยบ earlier. The coldest of the season yet. Daniel sure has grown and is so cute. I believe you have another smiler like Nathan on your hands. Glad Becky & Dean are getting thing set to rights. Looking forward to seeing some pictures.
Have a good day now! Hugs, Helen

Anonymous said...

Brilliant smile from Daniel..brightens the day!  Hope your back heals soon. Oddly enough I was having a clear out too yesterday ...didn't throw out too much though..just incase I need it one day!! Ha ha.

Anonymous said...

Isn't he lovely! The mist has started coming down again here, it is horrid!!!

Anonymous said...

How precious!!!  JAE

Anonymous said...

That smile would warm anyone's heart - how adorable.  'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

Remember Jeannete for your back...heat, ice, heat, ice.  About 15 mins of each, ending with ice.  I've had back problems since getting hurt at work in 1991. So I'm an old pro at this.  For the "ice" part, I use a bag of frozen peas wrapped in a towel.  They can be re-frozen and used over & over again.  Just mark them someway so you don't accidently eat them. And if you lay down, be sure and put a couple pillows under your knees to take the pressure off your low back.

Anonymous said...

Ouch...your poor back Jeannette, that is so easily done when you get stuck into a job like that.  I hope it eases very soon.  Your Daniel certainly has a beautiful smile on him, and you are right, he is just like Becky, and I think his Grandad too! :-)

Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

Nothing like a good clear out to give you the "feel good factor". Sorry it landed you with backache though. Love little one's smile. Take care.
Sylvia xx

Anonymous said...

Be careful with that back friend. That is my disability. Three ruptured disks in my lower back. Heating pad is good. Relaxes the muscles. A babies smile can brighten up the darkest of days can't they!

Anonymous said...

your grandso is so totally gorgeous! rets up whenever you can to try and fix your back cause i got plenty of cupboards that need sorting if you  want to do it! love Joanne

Anonymous said...

Ooo poor you! Rest that back. But you have inspired me to clean and organize some cabinets too.

Anonymous said...

Ouch at your back you poor thing - Hope you managed to rest well today!!  Lovely pics of Daniel thank you for sharing them :-)

Anonymous said...

I love having a good sort out, getting rid of things that are of no use and are cluttering up my tiny little house, poor you though, with your back.  Take it easy my dear, I hope that it doesn't trouble you for too long.
LOVED the pics of Daniel today, nothing like a big gummy grin from a little one to get us grinning is there ;o)  He is just gorgeous, awww.
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

Aww I like number two, that's a real right from the centre smile, he's a happy little soul.  Sorry you've twisted you're back, that's a big ouch!  Take care of it. Rache xx

Anonymous said...

Daniel certainly seems to find the world a happy place to be in, lovely smile!! You're right, we do feel the same as we did when we were young but our bodies certainly let us know we're not. Hope your back will right itself soon. Jeannette.

Anonymous said...

oh so sorry you hurt yourself but it sounds like you got alot done it is fall weather here too real cool i like it but not the real cold that will be here before we know it so glad they are al done with beckys house i bet she is so happy poor dear having to puit up with all that and having a baby i guess it is good she is young lol love the new pictures he is getting do big and just as adorable as his brother cna't wait to see the pictures of beckys house take care of your self have a good day God bless kelley

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the smile Daniel! It made my day!
Yeah for cleaning out cupboards but boo for hurting backs...
And Yeah for Becky's house being done!!
Have a good week!
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

Oh look at that little smile!  He is adorable...
It does feel good to get things cleaned out, doesn't it?  I am finally getting good at that.
I hope your back is getting better...


Anonymous said...

I nearly missed this entry! Daniel is gorgeous! He looks like his Mum so much.What a lovely smile he has too.

Anonymous said...

a lovely baby