Well, here we are, Sunday again. At least it is for us in the UK and I am living up to being a night owl.
A different sort of entry for me today but one which I care very deeply about. Christmas is only a few weeks away. Do you buy charity cards at Christmas or donate in some other way? I do and this year, as usual, I shall be supporting the NSPCC (The National Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Children).
I was thinking about purchasing cards and gifts from them only today and by a strange coincidence I was on a site that I belong to and one of my friends, Tom, had posted a poem that he had come across. It moved me so much that I could feel the tears pricking my eyes and my throat tightening. I asked his permission to use it on my journal and he readily agreed. We both feel that it should reach as wide an audience as possible.
If any of you have a son called Jamie then please do not take this personally, it just happens to be the name of the poem.
My name is Jamie
I am but three,
My eyes are swollen
I cannot see,
I must be stupid
I must be bad,
What else could have made
My daddy so mad?
I wish I were better
I wish I weren't ugly,
Then maybe my mommy
Would still want to hug me.
I can't speak at all
I can't do a wrong
Or else I'm locked up
All the day long.
When I awake I'm all alone
The house is dark
My folks aren't home.
When my mommy does come
I'll try and be nice,
So maybe I'll get just
One whipping tonight.
Don't make a sound!
I just heard a car
My daddy is back
From Charlie's Bar.
I hear him curse
My name he calls
I press myself
Against the wall.
I try and hide
From his evil eyes
I'm so afraid now
I'm starting to cry.
He finds me weeping
He shouts ugly words,
He says its my fault
That he suffers at work.
He slaps me and hits me
And yells at me more,
I finally get free
And I run for the door.
He's already locked it
And I start to bawl,
He takes me and throws me
Against the hard wall.
I fall to the floor
With my bones nearly broken,
And my day continues
With more bad words spoken...
”I'm sorry!", I scream
But its now much too late
His face has been twisted
Into unimaginable hate.
The hurt and the pain
Again and again
Oh please God, have mercy!
Oh please let it end!
And he finally stops
And heads for the door,
While I lay there motionless
Sprawled on the floor.
My name is Jamie
And I am but three,
Tonight my daddy
Murdered me.
There are thousands of children out there just like Jamie. Children living in every town, in every city, on any street - there could be one right near you or right near me. Children who live in constant fear, children whose lives are a living nightmare, children who cannot defend themselves, children who should be able to trust, who should not have their innocence destroyed ~ so often by those closest to them. Children who should not be scarred for the rest of their lives physically and mentally. Children who should not die.
So, dear readers, if you care as much as I do, if this poem has touched you as it has touched me, then I ask a favour of you all. Please copy and send this poem to all the people in your address books, use it on your journal if you wish. All I ask is that you do please pass it on to others and , when you are thinking about which charity you might support at the festive season, think of your own children and grandchildren who are so fortunate, remember to count your blessings and then spare a thought for all those young ones who live in darkness, pain, fear and despair. Give generously.
That made me shiver Jeannette.
Working in a childrens hospital we often get children in casualty who have been abused. It's so sad to see them taken away by the police to be put into safety. People shouldn't have children if they are going to treat them badly. We have so many laws stopping people from being pet owners if they are cruel to their pets but not a lot for children who are often sent back to their abusers. Thankyou for sharing this really sad poem with us. Jeannette.
All too true......all too sad. Mama would often "say": I brought you into this world and I'll take you out." But even while she was speaking it, I felt no fear. I knew she was only expressing that I had her at the end of her rope. You know these little ones have to be near and dear to our blessed Savior's heart, as He sat them upon His knee and visited with them. - Barbara
I've actually come across that poem before more than once...It is heartbreaking :o( and i would pass it on but i got sent it not that long ago from a friend and everyone i am close to online got it at same time...I've just bought the book written by one of the sons of the first victim of the yorkshire ripper...It's going to be tough to read as him and his siblings were horribly abused after her death :o(
My hubby was physically and mentally abused as a child by his father, he still has terrible nightmares. This is such an important message that you're sending out today my dear. It just breaks my heart to think of children being abused in any way, but you are right, there are thousands upon thousands.
Sara x
Still crying, but sending this poem on to family and friends. Thanks for sharing this, never read this poem before. Very powerful message. ~D
I'm still reeling from the shock and horror of the poem.......I can't bear bullying of any kind but especially the abuse of helpless children. Shocking stuff Jeanette. I will be passing it along to friends. God bless.
Oh Jeannette, that poem made me weep. Of all the crimes in the world the worst are the ones done against innocent children. I think I would like to put that poem in my journal if it's okay...I think the more exposure the better...Sandi http://journals.aol.com/sdoscher458/LifeIsFullOfSurprises
Oh, It's easy to see why you were a nominee for a VIVI award.
What a emotional entry. Very sad. Dawn
tanks for posting this, I have seen it before but the more people that open their eyes to what goes on the better. My next door neighbour is a campainger for children who are the victim of shaken baby syndrome as his son was by his mum, but he finds that most people don't want to listen.
I was an abused child, the poem could easily have been about myself, only I survived. People who lived near us knew what was going on but never did or said anything. They stayed silent. I remember the daily beatings, being locked in dark cupboards, being made to sit in cold baths, not being allowed to sleep, hunger, pain, her laughing while she forced me to drink epsom salts and so wanting it all to end....even if it meant my death. I was on a child at risk register, only my social worker was scared of her so never came. No one ever came!
I now have three grown up children, all beautiful and whom never saw any violence or hatered from me. I don't live or dwell in my past, I broke the chain.
Kids like me.....stay silent through fear, someone needs to speak for them. I support the NSPCC and will continue too......and if I knew a child was being ill treated.....I WOULD STAND UP AND SPEAK LOUD FOR THEM!
I don't have the word today Jannette. Love Joan.
that was a very moving poem. anyone who intentionally hurts a child or another human being should be shot. love Joanne....ps congratulations on your nomination.
Thank you for sharing that Jeannette and being so brave! I also have been a victim of child abuse. Mental abuse, being treated as a slave, vicious spankings, having to drink cod liver oil and eat moldy cheese for "lying". Etc... I don't write about it, my Mom reads my journal and it would hurt her. She wasn't the abuser, she was a victim too in a way. Linda
What a sad poem but it certainly makes you think.
Jeannette I have passed that around - it's a poem everyone should read... and sadly so true....Ally
I support NSPCC readily, Jeannette, mainly due to seeing things personally that beggar belief!!! Rob also had a nephew that died at the hands of an abuser 1 day before his 3rd brithday so it is pretty close to our hearts.
Good entry today Jeannette, so heartbreaking. I don't know any children personally who are being abused. My daughter is a school teacher and they are required by law to report it if they see any sign of abuse on a child. Which I think is a good law. I could never figure out why anyone could be an abuser of children or animals. Helen
That was so painful to read Jeannette and it brought a lump to my throat and a tear to my eye.. Thinking about it these dreadful things could be happening at this very moment. How can these things happen in our so-called civilised society? I`m going to pass this poem on through email. Thank you for sharing.
Sandra xxxxx
A very moving and touching entry.
A lovely poem, Jeannette, wonderful pictures and images. A beautiful entry.
Oh yes, that is such a touching, tear jerking poem. When I hear of the terrible abuse some little ones go through , it chills be to the bone. May our dear Lord bless these little ones and protect them from harm. 'On Ya' - ma
truly touched my heart. we can make a difference
A very moving entry - thank you for sharing that poem with us Jeannette!
Hi, thanks for coming to see me, hope to see you often. I have you on my alerts also :)
What a beautiful yet painful poem. How sad it is that an adult would inflict such anger on an innocent child that they should be loving and caring for. What a good cause to donate to. I'll look into it. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
thanks for writing about this
I will spread the news friend. It sickens me. God bless our children.
oh, now that's something I just can't tolerate! While working one year in Columbus hospital, I was asked to work in pediatrics for a couple of weeks, until another nurse came back from sick leave. Two adorable twins came on my floor...and to our horror, they were beaten savagely, and had numerous cigarette burns on their body & face's. They clung to eachother, and were put in the same crib for comfort and company. To make a long story short, after getting a court order preventing the parents visitation rights, posting a police man by the door, and giving them both good old tender loving care....they were adventually given back to that monster of a mother! And not six weeks or so had passed by, when both children were admitted to another local hospital-DOA! Us girls had become
attached to the twins, and we were just sick over it! They are now resting in peace, away
from pain.~Diane~
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