Monday, October 2, 2006

Curls and Thomas

October.  Hard to believe that a few short weeks ago we were roasting in very high temperatures, now the evenings are chill, the winds are starting to blow.  The trees are very late changing this year but with the shorter days and colder nights, it will not be long now.

Over the weekend we managed to get the rest of our winter pansies planted in the back garden.  We had to dodge the showers, doing a few, getting wet and running indoors, then back out when the sun returned.  Him indoors cut the grass yesterday - under protest I might add - but when the skies opened yesterday afternoon, the lightning flashed and the thunder rumbled he admitted I was right to "suggest" that he did it in the morning.  When they get more established I will take some photos.

Remember we took the centre bed out of the front garden and returned it to just grass? Well, the seeds sprang up in no time and now we have a bright green ring.  It will blend in eventually after its first mow which will not be for a couple more weeks.

In the entry before last, I mentioned Daniel's curls - how lovely his hair is.  Of course, it will have to be cut in the near future. It seems a shame but people will think he is a girl when it gets a bit longer.  I say a shame because it probably will never grow curly again. Both my brothers had curly hair until my father insisted they got haircuts and afterwards their crowning glories remained straight.  So, I am sharing a couple of photos with you today and you can see just how pretty his locks are:-

The boys really enjoyed their trip to the Colne Valley Railway to see Thomas The Tank Engine and have a ride.  The weather was kind to them and remained dry.  Nathan could not believe his eyes when he saw Thomas chug into the station - his DVD's suddenly became reality.  Here are some pictures that Becky sent me and said I could share with you.




Needless to say all the excitement wore them out and they fell asleep in the car just after the journey home began.

I am thoroughly enjoying the latest production of "Jane Eyre"by the BBC.  I was not going to watch it as I know the story so well but caught up with part one yesterday afternoon and then part two was on last night.  Very well acted, atmospheric settings and.......oh, that Mr. Rochester.  I have suddenly got the urge to become a governess.

Wishing you all a wonderful week.


Anonymous said...

Awww Daniels curls are beautiful.I bet the boys faces were a picture when they saw Thomas and the Fat Controller.My son is also a big fan of Thomas-so I will show him those pictures,he'll be so envious,

Anonymous said...

Oh what a lovely head of curls Daniel has, I wouldnt want to cut it either, I would loved to have seen Nathans face when he first saw Thomas chugging into the station, you have some lovely photos of their day out.
take care Lynne xx

Anonymous said...

Daniel's hair is beautiful. I was noticing his dad looks as if he has some curls on top of his hair so Daniel may take after him on keeping some of his. Those pictures are great. Thanks to Becky for sharing with you and all of us. Hoping your day is going well. Hugs, Helen

Anonymous said...

Aw, those curls are to die for.  They are such beautiful little boys.  My Joey would have loved to see that Thomas the Tank when he was a little guy.  I was just commenting at how slow the leaves are changing this year.  I have two branches on my huge maple tree that are totally red..nothing else but the nights are getting extremely chilly here.

I wish I had BBC on my cable.  I would love to watch Jane Eyre.  I saw Zoe commenting on it.  xx  Chris

Anonymous said...

Helen beat me to it was going to say Deans hair looks similar to Daniels pretty hair what a shame it has to be cut Look at Nathans wide eyed look when he saw Thomas ,its magic isnt it ?we have a similar set up here on the Nene valley railway ,always popular when my Grandchildren were little ,even the fat controler wow ,.,.,Jan xx

Anonymous said...

It's a beautiful morning here and chilly right now but it is supposed to get very warm this afternoon.  I love the curls.  2 of my boys have them.  Of course with the short hair cuts, you'd never know it.  I love the magic of childhood.  Everything is so new and exciting to them.  Thank you for the pictures - they are a nice way to start my day.  'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

I bet Nathan and Daniel loved the Thomas the Tank Engine arriving in real life! Daniel's hair is very pretty, such a shame to have to cut it! We need a stretch of cold weather to stop the sap rising and the trees to start changing, that's if the winds we're getting now don't bring the leaves down before they've changed colour! Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

(((((((((((((((((((((JEANNETTE))))))))))))))))))))Beatiful pics,thoes boys are so handsome,and the curly hair,just to cute.I have natural curly hair to.I didnt even know they actllay had a rea tomas train,that is a popular show,all the kids love iit.Have a great week.

Anonymous said...

awwwww such handsome lil men. (((hugs))))

Anonymous said...

I tihnk our leaves are turning early this year since we got cool earlier for a change which is actually on time for a change. Love to see your garden. and I think you should leave the boys hair long lots of boys have long curly hair. I think its neat. But I undertand parents wanting to cut it. but the curls are so georgous

Anonymous said...

Love those curls.  My oldest hair very straight hair as a baby, and now it's very curly.  Our youngest had curls much like Daniel's and now it's straight as a board.  I wish he could have kept his curls.

Anonymous said...

Nice pics, the curls are so adorable. You're prob right...once cut they'll prob be gone. But you'll have lots of lovely pics & memories of them! :)
Have a good week.

Anonymous said...

Even Sir Topham Hat was there.  How wonderful !!  Yes He does have beautiful curls..what a lucky boy.  Love your fall graphics.   Linda in WA  

Anonymous said...

Oh beautiful baby curls!  Is there anything more sweet?  I miss those.  Thank you so much for sharing.  My oldest son lost his curls when his hair started to be trimmed but my youngest is "plagued" with tight thick ringlets to this day.  They are gorgeous, but he hates them.  These pictures are treasures!


Anonymous said...

Maybe Daniel will keep some curls, son2 still has curls with son3's being straight...
Wonderful pictures! I can't believe it either Nathan, look it's Thomas come to life... wow...
I love Jane Eyre, my favorite!
We got a little rain here too and the temps are finally dropping, of course going back up as the week continues...
Have a great week!
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

Daniel is adorable in his curls...i hope he gets to keep them for a while longer!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing the darling pictures, Sandra

Anonymous said...

Lovely pictures of the boys enjoying their train ride.Daniels curls are so nice shame its got to be cut.....Jeanx

Anonymous said...

The fall painting is wonderful.    Daniels curls will be remembered in the photo and perhaps a few of the clippings could be stored for the future as rememberances.   Thomas the Train looks like a great time for the boys and the gentleman in the bright yellow vest looks right out of the past.    The photo has a partial B/W look to it and the small red lights of the train through the smoke are interesting.   mark

Anonymous said...

Glad you have your winter planting done. We have no chance of cutting the grass till late afternoon now as it is so wet with dew first thing and takes so long to dry out.  Love all the baby curls it seems a shame to cut them off. Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

Fall must be lovely over there. England is one place I've always wanted to visit, I think because of the history of your lands.  The kids are so cute, I can imagine their reaction to can relive your childhood through the wonderful reaction of children..Glad you are feeling a bit better....Sandi

Anonymous said...

The pictures of the boys are lovely and Daniel's curls are so pretty ~ what a shame it has to be cut ~ but maybe those curls are there to stay ~ what fun for them to see Thomas the Tank Engine ~ how lovely of Becky to share the photographs with us ~ I too am enjoying "Jane Eyre" no one does these Dramas as good as the BBC ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the boys had a great time Jeanette. I need to go and buy some winter pansies next weekend. I too am hooked on Jane Eyre, it is excellent.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette,

Daniel`s hair is absolutely gorgeous, what a shame it will have to be cut eventually.  My hair was curly until I was about 3yrs when it went wavy instead, maybe Daniel`s will stay that way.  I`m glad Nathan enjoyed his day with Thomas Tank Engine though I can understand how tiring it must have been for him, bless him.  I still haven`t watched Jane Eyre though I have the second part on tape. :o)

Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

enjoyed the pictures..his curly hair is so pretty

Anonymous said...

Daniel's curls are adorable.  He's such a cute little boy and Nathan is becoming a handsome young lad.  I can't get over how much they are changing in the short time I've been reading your journal.  I enjoyed the pictures of them on the train.  When I first read that they were going, I thought the train was a small child size train.  I was very surprised to see it is a large, regular sized train.  I'm sure the boys had a great time on their ride!  Who doesn't love a train ride?

Anonymous said...

Hello Jeannette......You and I have "Jane Eyre" in common. I so LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE that movie. I love that Mr. Rochester. Everytime I see it I have the urge to become a governess. Now I know that I'm not the only one who likes it too. We have a classic in common. Thanks for sharing that bit of information. I thought I was the only one who liked it. The photos in your entry are wonderful. Thanks for sharing your life with us at J-Land. Take care and give a huge hug to the family for me.

Anonymous said...

dear Jeanette
your grandson is so beautiful!
love and hugs,natalie

Anonymous said...

Great pictures! I can't see how some people mistake him for a girl... I can tell by the face that Daniel is a boy. Have a great week!


Anonymous said...

Lovely curls! My brother had curls like that until he had it cut and it went dead straight for years. Then at about 15 the curls came back and have remained ever since. how strange is that? Love Conniex

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanette,
Oh my gosh those two little ones are precious! And the curls, so very cute. Two very darling little boys there :).
Our fall is coming late too this year, but we do NOT get the beautiful colors that you do here in Vegas, not even close....LOL Just desert here. OUr front yard has some very beautiful trees so I guess we have our own little fall right here at home.

Take good care.

Anonymous said...

Those curls are beautiful....I love them.  Both boys are adorable.  I never got my winter pansies, our local nursersies have not stocked them yet...and that is strange.  So happy the weather was nice to visit the trains...what a fun trip that had to be...what great photos.
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

Those are two grand little lads!I love Daniels curls. . hes so like his Mum .All little ones love Thomas the Tank dont they?I love the fat controller in the photo.Cant believe its October either. . .where does it go?

Anonymous said...

beautiful pics of the boys, they look like they are having great fun and love the graphic too!
