Tuesday, October 3, 2006

You - The Jury.

This is something that I hope you will all take part in.

Today I present to you some facts. It is up to you to reach a verdict based on these facts plus your own instincts and feelings.

It was a pleasant day in a quiet seaside town in the South of England. A gentleman was residing in that town in a boarding house. Until a short time previously he had been living and working in London where the rest of his family remained. One of his daughters had come to stay with her Father the previous week and found him to be in his usual state of mind.  He did tell her, during her visit, that he had been knocked down by a bicycle and that he had been experiencing some head pain since the accident. No sign of cuts, abrasions or bruising was seen by the daughter. His landlady had said that a few days earlier he had “taken to drink.” and his daughter stated that he was at times, addicted to taking a drop too much.

On the morning of the 14th September the gentleman took a stroll along the promenade. During his stroll, another walker stopped for a chat. He remembered that the gentleman had said to him “it is a fine morning” but then he added - “I hope I shan’t see many more mornings in this world”. Whether this passer-by queried the last remark is not known. This other man did not say that the gentleman appeared in any way intoxicated or noticed anything unusual about him.

Another man was to later state that he saw the gentleman at around 10 a.m. that morning walking into the water. He thought the gentleman intended to go bathing. A strange assumption because the gentleman was fully clothed at the time he was seen wading into the sea.

Half an hour later, the gentleman was found by an officer of the coastguard, floating face down in the water. The body was removed to a nearby shed and stripped but no marks of identification could be found. The only marks on the body were two black eyes.

The police visited the boarding house and inspected his room. On a chair in that room  was an unsent telegram, it was addressed to his daughter. It read “Sorry you went. No sleep. Can you come back?”

His wallet was also found and upon being searched it was found to contain an insurance policy for quite a large sum. A box was also opened and found to contain 21 bottles of whisky whether full or empty or any combination in between is not known. There was also a flask and a soda water bottle. The daughter said she did not attach any importance to the bottles as her father was not in the habit of visiting public houses and she felt they must have accumulated over a long period of time.

At the inquest neither his daughter nor his landlady could account in any way for his death. A doctor gave medical evidence but little could be mentioned except the two black eyes. There seemed to be no disease or injury present.

The jury and witnesses handed their fees over to the daughter of the deceased gentleman.

Well, those are the facts of the case.

To sum up:-

1. He had supposedly been knocked down by a bicycle but no marks of any injury were seen by his daughter or his landlady.

2. When his body was found, he had two black eyes. The man he chatted to on the promenade made no mention of black eyes which would have been very evident and should have aroused curiosity.

3. His landlady said he had only recently taken to drink. His daughter said he often had a drop too much. She said he did not visit public houses and seemed unperturbed by the large number of bottles found in his room.

4. He made that strange remark about “not wanting to see many more mornings in this world.”

5. The gentleman left the boarding house leaving his wallet behind and carrying absolutely no identification. A strange thing to do.

6. He wrote that telegram to his daughter but never sent it, just left it behind in his room.

7. He was seen wading into the sea, fully clothed. Nobody seemed to think this was strange, no attempt was made to stop him and it was assumed he was having a dip in the water. People do not normally wade out to sea wearing a suit.

8. No medical evidence was found to show that there was anything wrong with him and there were no marks of violence on the body.

So, was he suffering from an undetected head injury that was affecting his thinking, was he drunk, or was it suicide?  I shall tell you in my next entry what the jury and coroner decided but in the meantime, it is up to all of you to give your opinion. It can only be one of these three really -  head injury, intoxication or suicide. But what was the outcome? What are your thoughts on this mystery.

Imagine, dear readers, that you are an inquest jury member. Given the known facts, what verdict would YOU have arrived at?


Anonymous said...

I think someone is telling lies as it doesnt add up properly. i would want it to be investigated further. love Joanne
dont wait too long to post the next bit lol

Anonymous said...

I'd be no good on a jury, I haven't got a clue! Jeannette xx  http://journals.aol.co.uk/jlocorriere05/Welcometomytravels

Anonymous said...

OH MY! you do have a mystery for us to try to solve. Maybe he had a head injury that was not noticeable from the bicycle  knocking him down. Somehow it seems to involve the daughter also. I would hate to be on jury duty with this one.  I can't wait to read the next entry. Hugs, Helen

Anonymous said...

I'm all at sea on this one Jeannette ~ Although from instinct I feel he was murdered ~ it's a gut feeling I have lol ~ look forward to hearing what the Jury thought ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

((((((((((((((((((((((((JEANNETTE))))))))))))))))))))))))Thisis so werid,I wouldnt know what to say if I was in jury duty for this.But somehting doesnt add up.Maybe He was hurt so bad,that He took His own life.I dont know.Good luck on that one.

Anonymous said...

Have pondered this for ages ,I tend to agree with Joanne ,not sure we have been told all the facts or not the complete truth,its the blackeyes that are puzzleing me,could they have been ante mortem ,no one else saw them ,.,.,Hmm ,.,.,Jan xx

Anonymous said...

There is something fishy about someone watching another person walk fully clothed into the sea without doing something.  Perhaps his nose was broken in the bike accident and it took days for the black eyes to show up? When money is involved I guess you should follow the money....possible his daughter did him in with the help of the passerby?  Holding my breath for the correct answer...Sandi http://journals.aol.com/sdoscher458/LifeIsFullOfSurprises

Anonymous said...

I think head injury. He could have banged the back of his head when he fell over and any bruising would have been covered by his hair, this would explain his unusal behaviour. Also think the man he spoke to before his death was a crackpot, or maybe his murderer....Oh I don't know, I give up.



Anonymous said...

Nope, I plead health reasons to get off this jury! LOL
Hugs, Sugar

Anonymous said...

Can't make my mind up think head injury. but will most likely be wrong. Stange tale. Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

Well, ok..I'll wait, but will be looking forward to the answer.  Linda in WA

Anonymous said...

i vote murder.

Anonymous said...

I hope you don't make us wait too long...'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

I'm a terrible mystery solver and would be terrible on the jury.  I think it's a mixture of all three of the above; although I think his daughter may have had something to do with it for insurance purposes.  Hmmm...homicide wasn't a choice.  I'm a bit stumped and can't wait for the answer.  xx  Chris

Anonymous said...

Suicide I thing Jeanette, but looking forward to getting the verdict !!  sybil

Anonymous said...

This is interesting.  I think it was suicide - he wasn't carrying any identification and made his remark to the passerby.  Perhaps he was driven mad by lack of sleep. Terry

Anonymous said...

Head injuries can give you black eyes,but funny the passer by didn't mention his eyes.I'm not sure I can give a verdict..shall wait to hear more.............Jeanxx

Anonymous said...

I say head injury and could have been so concussed and did'nt know what he was doing...death by miss adventure!


Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette,

Perhaps the accident caused brain damage that wasn`t immediately evident.  Further than that I am completely puzzled because the events just don`t seem to add up no matter which way I look at it! :o)

Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

Im thinking maybe a head injury

Anonymous said...

Head injuries can cause depression which in fact would cause the suicide.

Anonymous said...

I would be hopeless on the jury trying to crack this one. . .I think head injury. . or maybe intoxication caused epilepsy ,epilepsy caused head injury?Is there a catch to this Jeannette?. . LOL

Anonymous said...

I'm a useless detective, Jeannette, but just thought I'd pop my head round the corner :-)

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm,  knowing you young lady and how you work sometimes there has to be a twist to this tale, I wouldnt be any good on a jury panel but I am going to go with head injury,  but then again it could be suicide under the influence of drink,
oh I give up  dont keep us in suspence to long PLEASE

take care Lynne xxx

Anonymous said...

He may have been on medications that caused his drunken like state????????/

Anonymous said...

Well, why did the jury hand over their fees to the daughter. probably because they  brought in a verdict of suicide and therefore the insurance policy was invalid ????

Anonymous said...

What a mystery! The giving of fees may indicate suicide or perhaps he was an actor on location filming and that was why no-one thought much of him walking into sea. He slipped over and got 2 black eyes in the process hitting a rock as he fell facedown! The jury felt sorry as it was an accident and maybe the insurance was then invalid! Oh I do not know! Hurry up and tell us! Love Conniex

Anonymous said...

  It is clear that the gentleman was a high ranking government official who had fallen afoul of the CIA secret mind control bureau and was made to punch himself in the face and then commit suicide by the power of invisible brain waves from across the sea. If only he had remembered his aluminium foil beanie that morning.

Anonymous said...

I hope that you post your next entry ASAP!!!! I want to know as I can`t decide.
bella xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette,
This is a great mystery you have posed. I know that "A certain type of head injury, called a basilar skull fracture, causes both eyes to swell and blacken. This condition is typically described as "raccoon’s eyes." If he was wearing sunglasses when he was out walking people would not have noticed that he had black eyes. The daughter, on her visit should have noticed this, but perhaps his drinking habits made her ignore the eyes which could have swollen worse over time. I think that his head injury led to depression and confusion, and he committed suicide! Please tell us the answer soon!

Anonymous said...

i hate cliffhangers....................i might have to come to see you jeannette for leaving me hanging like this, lol...............

i agree with the previous commentor........there are injuries which may take some time to show up.  a person who has lived a long hard life sometimes has dark circles around the eyes, so it might not have been as noticeable at first.  to make a guess.............i would say that the injury from the bike incident may have triggered something in his brain to misfire and he unknowingly committed suicide.  but i am never good at preguessing the CSI shows.  i am usually wrong.

but it was fun trying..........



Anonymous said...

I think you reasoned it all out very well. I am so sorry he came to that kind of end. hugs, Helen

Anonymous said...

Sorry, so late getting here...wow, another mystery!  After reading it ...not sure...but looking at the head injury as being the clue...eveually leading into suicide....fact, he did not send the telegram though...this is so interesting.
Hugs and love,