Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Tuesday Rant

Having a rant today about the doctors.  As you know, I had various tests done last week and the week before and I have been waiting for results.

Well, a short time ago I received a phone call from a very snooty lady at the surgery telling me there was a prescription waiting for me.  A prescription for what, I asked her.  I do not know was the reply.  I pointed out that saying that was not good enough.  If they had left a prescription there had to be a reason and I wanted to know what it was.  She asked if I had any tests done recently and wanted to know what they all were.  So, I reeled off the list to be told that it was probably to do with one of those.

I insisted that if I was to have a prescription then I wanted to know what it was and what I am to take it for.  She told me they could not give out privileged information.  I told her that it is not privileged at all - I am the damned patient and I have a right to now.

She argued.  In the end I asked to be put through to the sister.  I was told that you can only speak to sister at certain times of the week over the telephone.  I could have spoken to her between 10.30 a.m. and 11 a.m. this morning.  Only problem being, they did not telephone me until 11.30 a.m.

I was told under no circumstances could I speak to a sister now although there are always two on duty because they are "busy".  I asked if they wanted to see me then, could I make an appointment only to be told that it was not necessary as the prescription would "sort me out"

So, I do not know what the prescription is for, what I am being treated for, which of the tests it is a result of.  Can you wonder that I am angry.  I hate being treated like a little child and just told what to do without being allowed to ask any questions.

Mike has gone to pick it up, he will ask the pharmacist if he has any idea what it might be for in the vain hope that he does.  If not, I am going to ring the surgery again this afternoon when there are different staff on and see if I can getanywhere.  I feel that I am not going to get very far.

Well, whatever it is they are prescribing for me, I can only hope that it does sort out some of the problems I have been having and that it is nothing that I am allergic to.

I am not a happy bunny right now.

P.S. Since writing this, I have found out the answer.  It is for an infection which I suspected I had.  Hopefully it will sort things out for me, if not - I shall have to go back.  It was the pharmacist that gave the information. He was extremely helpful.  I am not retracting my rant though, I think the treatment I received from the surgery was dire.


Anonymous said...

Dear Jeanette,
I am sorry that you feel so down at the moment. I have never added any comments before but I have been reading your journal for a while and I would like to complment you for your writing, for your lovely way of expressing your thoughts and everything else. Unfortunately I have had many problems with my doctors' surgery as well. The receptionists seem to be generally very patronising and tend to defend the doctors' space as if we were unwelcome untruders instead of needy patients. Once I complained to my GP about this and he told me that they are trained to be like this as there are many people who waste their time. I think it is really unfair. I am Italian and although I love the UK very much (otherwise I wouldn't live here!) I have to say that the Italian health system is much better from this point of you and doctors and nurses generally treat you as human baing who's got the right to be informed and treated properly expecially when they are unwell. I would suggest to you to call the surgery and ask for a telephone consultation with your GP and you can ask him/her what the prescription is for. You do not need to give any reason to the receptionist. You have the right to speak to the doctor provided you take an appointment. Good luck and I wish you all the best for your health.

Anonymous said...

Dear Jeanette

I would be v angry too in your position.

In the past. when I have been in a similar position, either the Doctor has rang and told me that they had found a problem, told me what it was, and asked me to make an appointment; or the receptiontionist has rang and said the doctor would like to see me and would I like to make an appointment.  Never has an unknown prescription just been left.  I would refuse to take any drugs without a full consultation with your doctor first!

Anonymous said...

Anymore the pharmacist gives you more info than the doctor's office here too !  My dad has been going round and round with a new med and that is how he found out needed information.

Hope it works right for you and you'll be better soon.  'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

I hate it when they just push you around, I think sometime they just want the money,,,,,,Hope you feel better``` DIANE

Anonymous said...

Could the person you spke to this morning not have said it for an infection thats all you would have needed to know why have they got to be so secretive. Hope it all works out fo you Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

Glad the pharmacist gave you the info you needed. I don't blame you for not wanting to take meds when you have no idea what they are for. Hope the infection clears up soon and you get to feeling a lot better. Hugs, Helen

Anonymous said...

Jeannette do you think Drs receptionists have to do a course on how to be uncooperative , I mean they cant do this on the phone and no there arent any appointments left ,I called in yesterday ,to our surgery to enquire about the flue jabs,she snapped they are only for the over 65's ...hello ! ,.,.,.,Jan xx

Anonymous said...

you go right ahead and rant. how dare her be so rude to you. that is your body that prescription is going into, and if i were you i'd want to know what it was also. she could of checked to see what it was for.  i'm glad you did finally find out and i hope your feeling better real soon. have a nice tuesday. ((((hugs))))

Anonymous said...

We have similar problems with the receptionists at Rob's gp's....they think they are so important and won't divulge any information whatsoever, plus if they don't think you need an appointment then you don't get one....they just tell you to see the nurse who then refers you to the GP!!! What is the point? It all boils down to finances!

Anonymous said...

Hey girl...you go ahead and rant and rave....cause I would be like you....if I don't know what it is for I am not taking it...LOL...that is like having three jars in front of you...and someone saying...you will be healed if you choose a jar and drink it....course two out ot three jars have poison in them LOL...so guess you could say you were healed...but dead!!!! thank goodness you had a good pharmacist....I am finding they are the best friend in the medical field to have these days...at least they will talk with you and explain....hope all goes well for you and you get relief...God Bless...hugs from ky...Ora

Anonymous said...

Feel free to rant all you want! No excuse for them being rude!
Hugs, Sug

Anonymous said...

That is horrible that they would not tell you at the office what the prescription is for.  Glad the pharmacist was up front with you.  Linda in WA

Anonymous said...

I can't believe she wouldn't tell you what it was....and she called YOU!!  Can we say....stupid perhaps?
I hope they medication helps. Sorry it's so frustrating for you.  Seems nobody has any common sense any more.

Anonymous said...

Whoever called you should have been courteous AND known what they were calling for....how rude. I would be mad too. I hope the pills help you!
hugs, lisa

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but the woman is a prat, she either needs some training or sacking. At my surgery and god knows, we have some idiots working there as well, but they would have at least said they would speak to the doctor and ring me back with the answer.

It's not my problem and it's made me very angry!!!!!!
Linda x.


Anonymous said...

I have believed for a long time that Doctors' receptionists are all trained by the gestapo !!! I feel angry for you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette I hope the medication you were given cures the infection you had .Some receptionists are so unhelpful and even ask  when making an appointment is it urgent or important as though you are bored and can't think of better things to do rather than go to the doctors , hope you sort them out  and feel better........Jeanxx

Anonymous said...

((((((((((((((((((((((((JEANNETTE)))))))))))))))))))))))Hi,good moring.I cant belive they didnt tell you what the medicine was for.That is so stupid.I would be mad to.Hope everything works out for you.Try and relax and have a ncie day.

Anonymous said...

yes your treatment was still not proper etiquiett

Anonymous said...

I'd put in an official complaint...Not allowed to hand out privleged information, well yeah that would stand IF you had phoned them but they phoned YOU for crying out loud...They knew you were the patient because they phoned you...Really sometimes they do make you want to scream...hope you don't have any reaction to the medication and that it fixes the infection   Caff xxxxx

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that as the patient you weren't give all the information about your condition and the medication they were giving you.  That is irresponsible.  I don't blame you for being majorly ticked off!  You tell 'em, Jeanette!!!
Hugs,  Kathy

Anonymous said...

This same thing happened to me.  The doctor's office called and told me to go to the pharmacy to pick up a prescription.  No other information.  It was the pharmacist who told me what it was used for...no doctor EVER told me that there was a problem to begin with.  It was due to a test that had been done months before...amazes me how this stuff happens...Jae

Anonymous said...

Same as our GPs surgery you can get more information from the Pope Some of these receptionsists think they are next to God.

Anonymous said...

Jeannette I can understand why you had a rant ~ after all they phoned you ~ some of these Doctor's receptionists really are the limit in rudeness ~ I hope you will consider making a complaint you have every reason to ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

I can understand how frustrated you were - what a stupid jobsworth she was.  I think most surgeries have a practice manager and if I was you I'd have a word with him/her.  Its absolutely ridiculous that you cannot be told by the receptionist what your own prescription is for!  Anyway, hope the infection clears up soon! Terry

Anonymous said...

Doctors should take the time to explain what is going on.  Glad you had a helpful pharmacist.  -  Barbara

Anonymous said...

hi Jeannette...

I get the same trouble, no explaination for anything and had to find out for myself...I was told i had ACM. following an MRI scan and i had no idea what this was and no one had even heard of it, so i wrote about it in my journal then missie and val explained what it was to me and i am still not sure of things even now...I wish you well...take care!


Anonymous said...

That receptionist is annoying!! I was going to suggest you go back but seems things are sorted now.

Anonymous said...

I have no idea whatever is wrong with these people.  People in the medical field should know how to speak to people and give good customer service too. It should be expected and they should be trained to give it. You certainly wouldnt frequent a store that treated you like this, and you are paying them for their services.  Don't blame you for getting a bit put off....Sandi

Anonymous said...

I was going to say a lot, then you said at the end it was for an infection...so now at least you know what it is for...thank goodness.  Hope you have no problems with the meds...feel better...hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

My god I would have been wrung out and put out to dry if I treated any of my patients like that. We are available all the time to speak to patients. If I am in a room with another patient the receptionist will ask them if they want to hold or if I can call them back. I always call back as soon as i am free. We absolutely cater to our patients... it's all about "customer service".. the difference being over here they have a choice of where they want to go and we want to keep our patients... I am sorry you got treated like that and i suggest you mention it to the actual Doctor next time you see him...sometimes they are oblivious to what is going on...


Anonymous said...

Appalling and outrageous.  I can't think of (polite) words to describe this adequately.  We're talking about an NHS surgery are we?  Complain to whichever primary car trust they come under, I would.  Who the hell is a receptionist to tell you whether or not you should see the doc?

Anonymous said...

Primary Care, I meant, not Car!

Anonymous said...

Jeannette, I have found that it pays to ask questions and query anything you are not sure about.  Recently I was called into day surgery at my local hospital for treatment that I was not expecting to receive.  I queried this in no uncertain manner and it turned out that this treatment had been decided upon because someone had made a typing error in my notes!!!  I could so easily have received a course of drugs that I did not need =:-O
So well done you for being insistant.