What a day yesterday was! Turned on the computer and decided to save some of the videos Mike and I have been making to disc. Also quite a lot of photos needed that treatment as well.
So, I put in a disc and started to save. Just a minute, what was that? My disc drive started to make a grating sound followed by a high pitched whine and then nothing. Yes, the drive had packed up. Now, it is only just over a month since the drive went before and, as the computer has a service agreement, after a lot of haggling over the telephone, they did send us a replacement. Mike was a bit concerned at the time because it came in a tatty box and there were scratch marks down the side. It did not look new to him. It seemed o.k. though but just a short few weeks later..........phut.
After hassle over the telephone (I think they thought we were playing around and just wanted to get extra new parts) Mike took it down to the shop. They tested it and proved it had conked out. Mike said he thought it was a second-hand unit they had sent us. The manager smiled and said it was standard practice. When a part is returned as faulty, they are "mended" and sent to the next poor mug. Mug is my word and not the managers. They could not offer a replacement in the shop, that had to be done over the phone with the service department. Oh no, been there, done that. So him indoors decides he might as well buy a new drive. At least he would know it was new and not get fobbed off with rubbish.
So, he comes home and fits the new drive. It completely changed the system on my computer. When I wanted to copy and save photos or similar to disc in the past, all I had to do was highlight them and then click on Copy To Disc and they went straight through. Well, the copy to disc feature had gone. After a lot of fiddling and adding the "burning" disc that came with the drive, I did figure out how to burn my files onto a CDRom. Err, well I thought I had, the programme went through, there was the name of the items I wanted copied, the blue lines went across,then I was told my disc had been burned successfully. Good. Took out the disc and did a couple more. Better check them I though, went to play them back. "Windows will not recognise this file" was all I got. I spent hours going into device manager, trouble-shooting. Mike tried playing them on his computer. No go.
Him indoors takes the drive out again, I have to remove from the computer the programme that came with it. Back he goes to the shop. You must have put it in wrongly he is told. They had a fiddle around with it and told him to change it over and put it in the top slot on my computer and that would solve the problem. Back he comes again, puts the drive in exactly as told. Nothing. It would not copy, it would not play discs, not even ones we had previously saved to CD. By this time I was just about getting ready to sling the computer into the garden.
This was about 9 p.m. by now and I had been on the computer mostly since 10 a.m. So I went to bed and grabbed a bit of shuteye. Back up at 11 p.m. I asked Mike to try once more. He took the drive out again and put it back the way he originally had. I re-loaded the programme that came with it. About another hour of fiddling and hey, I had managed to burn a video onto disc and it worked.
Not wanting to leave it here in case I could not repeat my success, I sat and did the rest of the videos and also photographs. So far they have all saved and are playable. The only snag I have is with my graphics file. Like I said earlier, it used to be so easy to save my graphics to disc. I just went into Edit, Select All, so that they were highlighted and then click on the Copy To Disc on the left hand side. Now that facility has gone. I can burn them but it means importing the files one by one, adding them to a list and I have around 900 graphics on the computer right now. As it was 2 a.m. by this time I decided to save that little delight for another time.
So, I eventually fell asleep around 3 a.m. and had to wake at 7 a.m. for my medication. I feel shattered!!!! So does Mike who did all those trips to the computer shop, plus having to walk the dogsand spend hours fiddling withthe disc drive. Yes, it was Friday the 13th!!!!!!
Becky and Dean are back from holiday. I do not know when we will be seeing them. She has to pick up their cat from the cattery today and then pick up her car, remember it was damaged in an accident, well the first garage that the insurance company insisted she used, made a right hash of the re-spray and it did not match. Lots of hassle with the insurance company over that. Eventually she got permission to take it elsewhere and it has been away being attended to whilst they have been on holiday. However, I have spoken to her and they had a good time.
Now, I have another little niggle. For some reason my skin has become very very dry and I have itching all over which is driving me mad. I have not changed my washing powder, I have not changed soap, I have not changed or increased my medication and I have been on all my medication for several years. I have not made changes in my diet. This has just happened. Believe me, it is very uncomfortable. I just hope it will not mean another trip to the doctors!
I was wondering which one of you would be most observant, maybe several of you. Well, it seems that none of you have noticed. A couple of days back I changed my picture on All About Me. Figured it was time. I have been writing this journal since July 2004 and the photograph I used when I started was then six months old. Yes, I have aged in that time but then, haven't we all?
I hope to catch up on all your journals sometime over the weekend but I am very tired and, we will be seeing the family at some point and hearing all about their week away. So please bear with me.
Oh, I looked out of the bedroom window this morning and saw a beautiful Blue Jay. Not seen one of them around here for years. It had one of our Rowan berries in its mouth. I got such pleasure from just watching it.
Have a good weekend, my friends.
Poor you Jeannette, I hate it when something doesn't work as it should! Glad you finally got it up and working, long may it continue to do so! I use Picasa2 for storing and burning discs, it's so easy. Glad Becky and family had a good time away. Maybe the itching could be caused by some of your medication, a lot of it causes skin irritation. Funny but I've just added a couple more pics of me to my All About Me! I never go to peoples main pages, I always click just for the entry so that's why I haven't seen yours yet! Jeannette xx
How frustrating ...and tiring ,Ican understand you considering chucking everything into the garden lol ,pleased you got it working in the end ,Funnily enough I had noticed your new picture ,I must change mine again Im only wearing a little top in the present one ,dont want to get cold lol ,.....Jan xx
Friday the 13th, unlucky for some, it seems that you ahd your fair share of bad luck yesterday, glad that you got everything sorted, its funny that you should mention the photo, when I came to read your entry this morning , I thought that you had changed it, Hope that Becky, Dean and the boys had a good holiday and that the weather wasnt to bad for them, we have had quite a bit of rain in the midlands this week but we have also had some nice warm days as well.
have a good weekend take care Lynne xx
Trouble with a computer can be really tiring and frustrating. I am glad you have it going now. At least now you can save your things. I had noticed your new picture. I tried putting the weather girl on my about me section this morning now I am waiting to see if it works. LOL. I can't use regular soap on account of dry skin. I have been using the Aveeno Clear Complection Cleansing Bar for bathing and Aveeno Skin Relief Moisturizing Lotion to apply after my shower. It seems to help me more than anything. I don't know if those products are available there ot not but I love them. I am not trying to advertize this product but just mentioning what I have found works for me. I looked it up and you can ckeck it out at www@aveeno.com if you wish to do so. Have a great weekend. Hugs, helen
OH IM so sorry I know it can be very frustrating I hope you can figure out how to ge tit to work the old way by copiing as that is the way mine works. I dotn pull up the whole journal I click on the title of that entry and it pulls up only that entry so I never hardly see th eside bar in an y journals. they pull up faster that way . BUT I Sure will go check itout. About the itching my daughter sells avon and watkins and my dad uses some of the stuff they have for his dry skin and so does his mom "My granny" and it works well for them. its called skin so soft in avon and there is a hand cream vanilla in watkins.
wow I see your pics I did not see that you changed and I think you look great.
you look smashing in your new about me photo.....you are a gorgeous lady. I can feel your frustration with the PC and the burner thingie....i have been there and have went bonkers too. Those men at that shop owe you guys some parts.....how dare they send out old parts. I dont know what to say about the dry skin but i do hope it goes away soon.
HUGS, lisa
OH wot a pilaver...anytime something has gone wrong with mine (fingers crossed only the twice so far) i take it back to small independant shop that built it for me for them to fix...Get some sleep over the weekend rather than coming online Caff xxxx
Jeannette, I admit I did notice but I had not commented in case you thought I was being impolite!!! It is a lovely pic, just wish I had the bottle to put my pic up (did you notice there were none of me in my holiday pics, lol!) I hate photos of me!
Hardware failure is one of my worst fears, and it's so easy to be fobbed off with trash, as you were. How do you mean, you aged? Did you seriously change that picture ;-)
I'm afraid my pooter will go soon, it's a cheapee anyway, only a little over a yr old but no waranty. It's been acting up for several mos now. When it goes, I won't have the $ to get it fixed. I pray it will last A LOOONG TIME!
I noticed your new pic, but you haven't changed that much in 6 yrs, truly. You know I'd tell you the truth if I thought you had. A little older, sure, we all age...but basically the same. :)
Have a good weekend.
Hugs, Sugar
Meant to mention about your new picture noticed it straight away very nice too. Must have been yesterdays date that was messing things up we were trying to fit a new DVD recorder with great difficulty see todays entry. Have a nice weekend Love Joan.
I have often compared dealing with computers to dealing with some teenagers. I don't think I'm too far off on that one. I need to move pictures, too. It ought to be fun since I inherited this computer from my daughter and son-in-law and there's no manual with it. So...I really don't know what I'm doing. Linda in WA
(((((((((((((((((((((((JEANNETTE))))))))))))))))))))Sounds like alot is going on right now.I pray all goes well with you and your family.If the itchy gets,go to the doctors.Now I have Porisess,its a red itchy rash,but,nothihg at all like all the other rashes out there.I had a hard life dealing with that.I didnt like the way I loooked when I was in middle school,I would wear head bands on my forhead just to cover up.Its been treated now.But I had it all over my body.It als was efffecting my arthitis.But thats another story for another time.lol.Try and get some rest and relax.I pray your daughter and hubby have a safe trip.
What a mess! Lucky for you you have the capacity to work through whatever you think might fix it; I have to call me kids just to get my connection back when it says my network is down! they say it is an easy fix, but I don't even know where to start! Jae
Oh Jeannette what a lot of comings and goings back and forth to that shop I would think Mike was shattered by the end of the day ~ glad you eventually worked it all out ~ Ally
Looking good Jeanette! God what a palava with your disk drive, the air would have been blue round here. The itching sounds horrible, hope it clears up of its own accord and quickly. I am lucky to get quite regular visits from a couple of Jays, they are so colourful.
Hello Jeannette,
I had noticed your new picture but forgot to mention it. I think it`s really nice too. What a carry on, I`m just glad that you and Mike have eventually got it all sorted out. Computers are great when they work but oh dear, when they go wrong they are horrendous. I know the feeling about wanting to throw the thing out of the window...lol! I don`t think I`ve ever seen a blue jay, I wish I`d been there. :o)
Sandra xxxx
Hi Jeanette,
I do like your new photo. What a carry on with the 'puter. I would have been bald by the end of your day !! and probably computerless, with a line of Jay's watching my poor computer to see if it was worth nesting in !!
Have a restful weekend. Do hope th eitch stops soon there is nothing worse is there. Love sybil
I'm sorry to hear of your computer woes! I hate computer problems!
As far as your skin....has the weather gotten colder there? If so it might be that. When the weather cools down here I get all itchy too. I don't know why...if it's the heater I have or what? I have to apply lots of lotion to my skin. My worst is my hands...abdomen....legs....face...and lower back. Ok...maybe that's just about all of me, huh? lol
Put lotion on yourself right after your bath. It keep the moisture in the skin that way. Good luck.
You had the day from hell! There's nothing worse than a computer that is knackered. It's amazing how one component can screw up everything else! Just rest today and put your feet up. Those files will wait.
sorry about all the computer trouble u have been having, I actually did notice the picture change but my memory is bad and by the time i got to the end of the entry i forgot to mention it, lol...sorry...very beautiful tho
Jeannette, I feel for you. PC's drive me nuts. I have a three year warranty on mine. I get sent a Federal Express box and mail the darned thing back. They then fix it and send it back to me. It's just a year old but I've had my power supply box and motherboard replaced plus my monitor. I hate to change anything because I get used to the way it works. I would have been exhausted and pulling my hair out by the end of your day.
I didn't notice the picture. I think I've been MIA from journals for a couple of days. I like your new one. I must say you might have aged but aged extremely well. xx Chris
Hi Jeannette...
hope the rest of the weekend goe's well for you...
So sorry to hear of the computer problems. I do detest computer problems. It about makes me insane. And wonder what could be causing the itching... maybe seasonal changes. Hugs and hope ya have a great weekend Jeanette! Your picture looks wonderful!
Oh, how frustrating that must have been! So glad you got it fixed and figured out. I commend you and your husband for seeing it through and figuring it out.
I think you look very beautiful in your pic on sidebar. (((hugs)))
I hate p.c problems too. . .I cant sleep knowing something is wrong and then I try everything I can think off and reinstall and get on to AOL.It wears me out and I actually feel exhausted. .LOL.I wonder if anyone has ever actually smashed theirs up. . .thats what it makes you feel like doing . .LOL. I dont know about your dry skin Jeannette,maybe its hormonal or maybe its the central heating,maybe some cod liver oil capsules will solve it.
I have long ago resigned myself to the fact that I will never be able fix my own computer. Not only do I not have the patience for it, I don't have enough interest in it to keep up with the daily advances.
Your dry skin interests me though. I have in recent years begun to develop dry skin when the weather turns to the cold in the fall. The over the counter junk they sell has not helped, but a paste that gardeners use which has ingridients such as bees wax helps tremendously.
Another thing I found interesting. How on Earth can you go to sleep at 9 and wake up at 11? If I hit the pillow at 9, my eyes don't open until at least 3am.
Computer problems are the worst and we are so stubborn and can not sleep until we have resolved them... lol... Hope it is cooperating better now...
I have checked out your new photo and I see that you haven't changed at all... :)
Have a lovely week!
Linda :)
Sorry you have had such problems with your computer ,hope you have caught up on your sleep again......Jeanxx
So sorry about the computer acting up...have had some problems here too with mine...come this Friday...I go highspeed...coming back to your journal to relook at all your video's the proper way...dial up does not cut it. Hope you get some rest...many hugs and love,
I have gotten word from Sandra's ( Scribbles ) that your PC has gone to PCWorld. I hope it will be fixed and that you will not have to buy a new computer. I am not at all a computer knowledgeable person but I read in PCWorld Magazine about copying files. It said when copying multiple files to use the *.jpg or any file extension to perform the task. Your new photo in the sidebar looked so wonderful that I just knew it was your new photo. You have such a charming smile! I hope your skin irritation can be taken care of. My mother was recently diagnosed with 'Shingles' and it is causing her pain. I told her it was good that the sores stopped draining fluid to make her feel that it was a good sign of healing. I have heard that the condition can be very serious and painful. I am having to rest due to my problems with back/hip pain and stopping activity that is making it worse. As I told my mother - I have to lay on my board/cushion and read to take my mind off the pain. Best wishes, mark
Computers are so tempremantal, I can spend hours figuring mine out when something goes wrong, it drives me mad!Beckie.
I felt so much sympathy for you over your computer problems. I hope things won't get any more aggravating than this. I have trouble getting it all right even when the machine is working perfectly, but I must say you wrote up the experience extremely well! I could just picture it. Gerry
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