Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Hello my friends,

I am not going to keep on about my health on here.  My journal has never been for that, but I have had so many comments about yesterday's postings that I have decided to let you know the latest.  I was able to speak to the surgery this morning.  I was told that the reason they want the blood tests re-taken in a month is that my lymphocyte (do not know if that is the correct spelling) is very slightly raised.  That this could be due to the infection I have at the moment and they want the tests re-done in twenty-eight days purely as standard.  The doctor is not concerned.  If he was I was informed he would have asked to see me and requested the blood be taken again much sooner.

Why does this not make me feel any happier or better about things?

Of course, being me, I just had to go on the web and look up lymphocytes etc. and found all manner of dreadful diseases. I am my own worst enemy.

I just wish this had not happened.  Oh well, it cannot be changed and I can only hope it is due to infection and nothing else.

Thank you all so very much for your concern and your support. J-Land has the best people there are.  You are wonderful.


Anonymous said...

Jeannette try not to worry and make your self more ill ,thinking of you .....Jeanxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette, I'm so glad for you! Do not look on the Internet too much. It is good to be informed but, if you are an anxious type like me, it can only make you feel even more worried and stressed. And stress is the BIG disease of the XXI century. Be positive!
All the best.

Anonymous said...

I've done that before, gone on the internet and felt worse after reading things....just think good thoughts, that is it not what you prayers are with you Jeannette...hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

{{{Jeannette}}} keeping you in good thoughts

Anonymous said...

The elevated Lymphs are a sign that your body is trying to fight infection. The repeat blood test will confirm if the antibiotics worked or not. please try not to worry... I am frustrated at how they are making you stress when you don't need to. Bless you...

Anonymous said...

yeah sometimes I just dont want to know . Its like oh man I have this or that. But its probably an infection we will pray about that too to be nothing bad just an infectino

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the update.  It does sound like they just want to make sure the infection is gone.  We'll be praying for you ! Hope you are blessed with a good day !   Hugs and Smiles to you ! 'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

Good morning Jeannette, I am glad you got all that sorted out a bit. I have never heard of lymphocyte before. Sounds as if it might have something to do with the lymph glands. Hope the infection clears up soon and the next blood work turns out to be ok. May you have a better day today than you had yesterday. Hugs, Helen

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update Jeannette ~ It is not unusual practice to take blood tests again after a certain amount of time has elapsed ~ "just to check you out" ~ try not to worry ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

Hope everything turns out ok for you, Don't worry to much it won't  help you,  DIANE

Anonymous said...

Jeannette. .I dont think you should worry too much but I know its hard not to.I remember something like this happened to my hubby with his pre op tests. . .the following blood results were normal.I dare not  look on the internet health wise as it makes me think I have got all those diseases and symptoms.

Anonymous said...

Well at least you got to talk to someone.  That's a good thing.  Take care and hopefully the medicine will clear it all up and you'll be as good as new.   Linda in Washington        

Anonymous said...

Your lymphocyte levels will be raised while your body is fighting the infection. That's perfectly normal, the immune system is a wonderful thing which I have studied, the time to worry is if they fall leaving you with little immunity. Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

Friend, this is good news!!!  Be encouraged!!  Doctor is just covering his hinnie and all the bases.  -  Barbara

Anonymous said...

I am the same Jeannette, always looking things up and thinking we have all sorts of nasty things wrong with us!!!!At least your gp is not concerned which is good. hugs and love to you, Joanx

Anonymous said...

Don't go on the internet and scare yourself.  Just relax, and go back at the required time for the test.  If there is infection it's not unusual for them to be elevated.  

Anonymous said...

Glad you got 'someone there' to finally tell you something!
It's prob just due to the infecection.
Have a lovely week.
Hugs, Sugar

Anonymous said...

((((((((((((((((((((JEANNETTE)))))))))))))))))I am so glad you got some help.Your in my prayers.Have a wodnerful day.

Anonymous said...

Hello Jeannette,  I try to stay away from the internet with health issues, but like you I HAVE looked and wished I hadn`t bothered.  I`m sure you`ll be fine or like the nurse said, the doctor would want to see you earlier.  Take care. :o)

Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

Yes Jeannette, your B lymphoctyes will be naturally raised when your body is fighting a bacterial infection. Your T lymphocytes are increased in response to a viral infection. You should relax about it now that you have a reasonable explanation. It is very unlikely to be any one of those dire diseases you read about online. Glad that you phoned the surgery and got that information from them,

Anonymous said...

dear Jeanette
Get well soon and I sincerely hope that the test come out well!
Good Luck and Look on the sunny side!:) love and hugs

Anonymous said...

You're entitled to an answer from any health-professional that offers his/her care. You had answers to your questions about lymphocytes, and don't worry about them. The surgery is duty-bound to explain everything they say and do to you.

Anonymous said...

Iam afraid Im like you and look things up ,only to wish I hadnt ,we do like to borrow trouble dont we ? lol ,.,.,Jan xx

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear you're still worried about it all Jeannette.  I do know though that I'd have done exactly the same as you and looked it up on the internet!  I did the same when my husband was in hospital.

Hope you'll feel a bit better soon.


Anonymous said...

Just the fact that it's simply raised would have anyone upset.  Hopefully it is just from the infection.  Have a good night.

Anonymous said...

Hugs to you.  I went to the doctor once and told him I thought I had scabies as that is what I thought my symptoms matched when I looked it up on the internet.  It was pityria rosea, now that sounds nicer than scabies, eh!  
Then, I had a funny feeling in my toe the other month and you just can't imagine what I found might be wrong with me on the internet.  We just can't resist can we?
I hope all will be well and its just an infection that will be clear by the next test result.
Best wishes Terry

Anonymous said...

I do the same thing...go find answers when I don't feel I have the ones I want to hear!  I get myself all worked up.  I think you are being taken care of, well.  Infection will do that.  I am sure he is just making sure...Jae

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you followed up and got an answer.  I'm sure it's OK.  I talked to my mom who is a retired RN.  She said it was a standard thing to show up when someone has an infection and that your Dr. just wants to check it again to make sure the infection has resolved.  I wouldn't worry.  Hugs and supportive positive thoughts are on their way!
Hugs,  Kathy

Anonymous said...

I hope its nothing bad, I wish Dr's were more caring towards their patients, how do they even sleep at night?

Anonymous said...

I wish I could wave a magic wand so you would stop worrying so much.  I always find though that the more worried I am about things the more wonderful I feel when my fears turn out to be groundless. luv, Angie, xx

Anonymous said...

Jeannette, I would and have done the same thing.  I surf the internet and fear the worst.  I'm very sure if they suspected anything dreaded you would have immediately had more testing done.  I guess they don't tell us things because they know most of us will imagine much more.  I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.  xx Chris