I think so many of us are getting troubles with aol now that I am tired of mentioning it. I will say though that I am having problems with journals loading slowly, as of yesterday I was not getting comment alerts and only very few posting alerts. I even get white boxes with red crosses when I access my e-mail or when the odd alert does come in and, needless to say, file manager is still not working.
Him indoors began putting the outside decorations up yesterday. He was not able to start until quite late because we had Nathan here. So, he still has one to put up at the front of the house and then a set of stars in the back garden. That will get done today. We always have them ready to switch on the 1st December.
Nathan managed to turn the oven on when he was here yesterday. After they left and Mike was out, I was in the bedroom writing Christmas cards and smelled something strange. Good job I checked. Mike had put the grill pan in the oven and instead of putting the handles that belong to it in the drawer had left them on top. The smell was the plastic starting to melt. I caught them before any real damage was done. Oh, Nathan also managed to turn the washing machine on as well. The gate will have to go back at the door when they visit in future. I did surprise Nathan with a little plastic wind-up t.v. with scenes from "Bob The Builder". He loved it. You can imagine how it pulled at my heart when he looked at me with those big blue eyes and said "Thank you Nanny". Bless him, I almost shed a tear of love.
Why, the title of this entry? Well, last week I brought you "talking cats" so today I thought I would give the canines a chance. Found this little video for you, it made me smile
Tomorrow should be the day we get the decorations out of the loft (the inside ones) and start putting them up. Whether I will be able to do so remains to be seen. I have had such pain between my shoulder blades and in my neck and left shoulder this last few days. I have been resting as much as I can but it is very slow in going and is making me feel very down. With Christmas approaching I cannot afford to be like this. So, I am hoping it does start to get better and fast. I was due to have my blood tests re-taken. First, I got the flu bug that lasted (until it went completely) for three weeks and I only had a couple of days before this started. I cannot make the appointment until this stops. Please send some good thoughts my way.
I hope life is being kind to you all.