Today yet again, there have been problems with AOL apparently caused by the fact that Pamela Anderson is getting divorced. This was , apparently, enough to bring down the servers due to the fact that so many wanted to comment. Not exactly earth shattering news is it?
However, problems have been getting more and more frequent over the last few weeks, not only with journals but with file manager and the service in general.
I had my own fears that things would go to pot when AOL sold us in the UK out to the Carphone warehouse. Although assurances were given that the service would not suffer in any way, I am not so sure. I am not saying that Carphone warehouse is responsible, in all probability they are not because our American friends have experienced problems as well but things have certainly been going from bad to worse. It seems that AOL now exists as an ISP in name only, at least in this country and maybe in the U.S. as well as they get AOL through a carrier now.
Things are set to change again in the new year. This is not my saying so, it is Carphone Warehouse that are saying so.
Check out the link to this blog. Read about the changes that are coming in the New Year. What happens to people who do not want to change, people who like the phone service they have now? Who is going to be responsible for them? Carphone Warehouse will not want to know if they do not have the business and it seems AOL will soon become a thing of the past.
Here is an extract from the blog
In the New Year, all AOL customers will be offered the choice of transferring to Free Broadband if they want, by moving their line rental to TalkTalk and signing up for our Talk3 international telephone service. There will be continuity of service with the ability to take your AOL email address to TalkTalk and access to much of the content you previously enjoyed.
Thought I would let you all know. Charles Dunstone owns Carephone Warehouse.
Charles Dunstone's Blog - TalkTalk
P.S. So, he says we can take our email address with us if we go with him but what about our journals and access to file manager for our graphics?? Whilst I am in favour of free broadband as against the high subscription we pay AOL now, they have to make money somehow so will the phone charges be dearer? What happens to those who do not want to switch, will they continue to pay subscriptions and to whom?
I am already thinking of finding my own alternative ISP in the New Year. I would rather jump than get pushed.
we in america cant get on file manager and we had aol problems due to pam anderson and who the heck cares why are so many on it messes up blogs I will nevr understand this. I cant get my aol video to work at al and I get no response from the jouranls editors
OMG!!!! I will be lost with all my friends across the pond!!!
The issues are not only in the UK but here in the States as well. AOL is just horrible these days... improve improve improve... only to faulter someplace else. Pamela Anderson my a**..........
carphone warehouse don't actually take over ownership until january so they can't be i've not had any problems at all with file manager or any of the other stuff i can't really comment...only real problem i;ve had is today i can't access message boards at all on this screenname...It's weird as i can access on any other name just not this phone i've already had with talk talk for quite a while now but not bothered with the free broadband as too many hassles with it
we in the good ole USof A have been having problems today too. at least I have but eventually I get in and get to say what I want.... hopefully :) I'm going to keep mine the way it is as long as I can. I have aol broadband and I love it so Im going to have to be one of the ones that are pushed I guess.... I hope not though.... hope things get better. Sandra
It seems aol is coming up with LOTS of reasons why we have had such crappy service over the past couple of weeks...and it never seems to be is always someone/something else. Are we buying that??? Jae
I read that the slowness today was due to the Pam Anderson's divorce thing but I fail to believe this is causing all our problems. I believe that AOL will soon cease to exist. I think they have brought it all on themselves for being so high priced. It was ridiculous for them to charge so much for high speed and then people have to pay the regular price on top of that. My son still gets his on dialup because they live out in the country where there is no cable access and the phone lines doesn't carry high speed access. I will so sorry to see our journals come to an end. Before that time comes I hope we all find another place to keep our journals. I already have a place on blogspot but don't use it at this time as it is not as easy to motivate around on it and it doesn't have alerts. Hugs, Helen
You know I have an alternative blog on Blog Spot, I believe it is international...I can't do as much with graphics but everything else seems to work well and it is free. I think Google is behind it. I still use it occasionally and it's something you might want to look into. I can't believe what they are doing to you, maybe it's a sign of the times???We may be the next to be sold off...I would hate to loose my journal friends, so if you do make a change I hope it's something we in the US can read. AOL is nice because th e-mail and all are in one spot, not here and there. Sorry you are having so much trouble. 'On Ya ' - ma
(((((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU)))))))))))))))))))))Thanks for sharing the info.I hope Aol doesnt get kicked off,wouldnt know what I would do without it and my journals.This is just to much.i am sorry your having trouble,I was having a bit of trouble to,but Pamla Handerson was the cause of it? didnt think She was all pretty,but,not all that.Have a good night.Oh,one more thing,I have a coworker,everyone tells Her She looks like
I don't think they know what they are doing. Take something that works and muck it up for the last year. I would hate to loose all of my English friends too...blogging here has somehow made the world seem smaller to me. I guess its a wait and see what happens....Sandi
Yes we had a lot of problems too with our AOL over here in the states this afternoon. Hugs,
I couldn't believe that the problems were due to Pamela Anderson!! I thought the main page looked strange with only half of it on there and wondered why, but who on earth is that bothered about someone getting divorced after only, what was it, four months of marriage?!!! There must be some sad people out there!!
I am already with Talk Talk for my telephone and I must admit I do find it cheaper than BT but that's not to say it would suit everyone. As you know Jeannette I am not the most computer literate person, lol, even though I use one all day in my job! At work it is used as a booking system for schools that want to visit the museum, I don't have to write letters etc as it automatically prints them. I really hope that the blogs can continue and also the alerts of course, otherwise what's the alternative, email everyone when you've made an entry?
Who would have thought people would still be interested in Pamela Anderson? Wierd! I am a Talk Talk customer already and would welcome free boradband. But I do not want to lose my journal. Will need to look into this Jeannette!
I know people who already have talk talk as their IP. . its nothing like aol but they are not having the problems I have been having lately.Despite reinstalling many times I find that I have only got half a welcome page and my search page has changed. . this morning my email in box has blank spaces and of course I have already crashed twice.Im afraid I am going sooner than you Jeannette. . like TODAY!!
Thanks, Jeannette, for the info. I do not have a blog but I have big problems with receiving emails on my AOL address so I have to keep an "emergency" Hotmail address too. I have tried to explain the situation to AOL Customer Services but they keep on saying that it's the other providers that have problems not AOL. Unfortunately I rely on emails for my work and it is becoming a small tragedy. A friend of mine is on talktalk and she is not very happy either. So we'll have to see in the future. have a nice day. Antonella
Jeannette I think we are all annoyed at the problems aol are causing us ~ I would hate to lose our journals and the friends I have made here in JLand ~ I wonder how everything will turn out when Carphone warehouse take over next year ~ We can but wait and see and hope for improvements ~ Ally
I agree Jeannette and I think I may go to bt for internet if it ends up all going pear shaped in the new year!! I don't want to leave aol but combined with all the hassle I am having with the wireless thingy I just may be swayed that way!!! By the way, I posted last night in case you did not get the alert! love Joan xxx
Thanks for the update, Jeannette - I'm reviewing my connection (sic) with AOL, as journaling and webmail contacts is about the only thing left linking me to the organisation. Carphone Warehouse have a poor record in customer care, as was shown on BBC Watchdog not long ago. So, things can only get - middling?
I think I will try to ride out the storm, it's such a hassle to change IP. I've heard of
people trying to leave AOL but couldn't get connected with their new IP as something has to be done at AOL's end to disconnect the service. I don't know how true that is but I know some people have ended up between the devil and the deep blue sea, with no Internet access for weeks!!! That would truly send me round the bend and up the wall!
File Manager kept crashing yesterday and my Hit Counter reset to 0, the first time in months that that has happened!!!
What a pain in the a**e.
Jeannette, I find this totally distressing. I'm not so sure this will affect those of us in the States but I sure would hate to lose my wonderful friends across the pond. Pam Anderson and comments bringing the servers down...good grief. I certainly hope something gets straightened out before the new year but somehow I don't think it will. Love, Chris
I saw this on the news strange, it is so weird when something like the Pam Anderson thing, can cause so many problems...hope and pray, it all gets fixed with AOL...hugs and love,
Oh life has become so complicated nowadays decisions decisions. Love Joan.
Jeannette if journals go completely ,would all our own entrys be gone too ,like you I was hoping to leave a sort of legacy to my Grandchilren,can any one answer all our questions ? Jan xx
cdear Jeanette
sigh Im so sorry about Aol
Please keep your journal with us!
Haven't been online for ages so not heard of this Pamela Anderson nonsense. Praps just as well! I don't like the idea of being blackmailed into changing my phone service. Thanks for an excellent informative entry., x
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