Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Update On File Manager

This is the latest from aol.  At last it has been acknowledged that there IS a problem and it is not our computers as we keep being told.  So complaining does get us somewhere. Now they need to get journals problems fixed as well!! Sad though isn't it?  Some have phoned technical  help and been told it is their computers, I have been complaining to Jeff and also to Stephanie.  Makes you wonder when none of these "technical" people seemed to know that a keyword could expire. 

As I have been telling you all, if you are unhappy with problems  you are getting with journals - complain, complain, complain.  

You can find the original posting at


Where'd File Manager Go?

Jeff and I have both received a few e-mails and blog comments asking why people can't seem to access File Manager anymore.

It appears that the keyword for File Manager has expired - who knew Keywords could expire?? I have submitted a request for the Keyword to be reactivated. I think Keyword requests go through fairly quickly, although this being Thanksgiving week in the US it may take a teeny bit longer than usual. I requested that the keyword remain functional through 2010, so (assuming the powers that be don't laugh at me for that) it should be fine for a few years. :D

Until the keyword is back up - keyword: Hometown does still work, and there is a link to File Manager down at the bottom of that screen. Just click on the link, and all should be peachy.

If that DOESN'T work for anyone, please let me know.



Anonymous said...

I am glad that you have been persistent in talking to AOL and asking for the problem to be solved.     mark

Anonymous said...

((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU)))))))))))))))))))))Thank you so much for being so helpful with this all,I know it has been stressing you out.Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

yeha let them know so they can tell you its your computer again

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jeanette!  I've sent a couple of complaining emails but not even had an acknowledgement.  I'm glad it's not my fault though!!! - Angie, x

Anonymous said...

Thankyou Jeannette ,I just printed that off ! expired expired so's my patience lol So the poor old file manager has expired ,should we all be wearing our black arm bands ?are we having a whip round for a wreath ?....love Jan xx

Anonymous said...

I had noticed there were problems, silly AOL

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette just tried to get File Manager the way you explained from hometown but it did not work.  Can get Fie Manager up the usual way but that as far as it goes.  Not a happy bunny like you. Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

I did at least have a reply when I complained.  I am still experiencing problems with AOL generally though.  It never used to be this bad.  Eileenx

Anonymous said...

At long last they admit that there is a problem and it is their fault not ours as we have been lead to belive over the past few weeks, wonder if we will get a refund on our payments for all the trouble and hassel that we have had to put up with from them and all the accusations of having computers that are outdated, old and decepit, I bet we wont,
Well done for persevering and getting a result for us and many thanks for getting it sorted.
take care Lynne xx

Anonymous said...

Thanx Jeannette for the help! I will try that. its a pain not being able to get into file manager, I hav'nt been able to use my lovely tags our friends have so kindly made for us!


Anonymous said...

see keyword file manager still works for me and i honestly haven't had any problems with it at all    Caff xxxx

Anonymous said...

Whatever next, eh?

Anonymous said...

I dont even know what file mgr is.
XO lj

Anonymous said...

What is file manager good for??? I am not sure what it is.  Hugs,

Anonymous said...

Tech support has turned into a joke.  I used to access it all the time and had some major issues resolved.  Now, we speak or type to someone stationed in India with a book in front of them.  Honestly, the last time I asked for help, the tech caused far more damage than good.  The major problems started when AOL went "free" for those in the US.  My message to AOL is if you can't afford to keep your systems up and running....charge a fee.  Love, Chris

Anonymous said...

I did not get an alert for this entry.
So, obviously, they are not completely working (I get alerts for some of my fav's; theothers I have to check in on).  I am getting really tired of them saying it is US and OUR computers every time there is a problem.  Sorry I haven't been around as much.  Alerts seem to be a hit and miss ting for me.  Frustrating to say the least...Jae

Anonymous said...

I've been so frustrated with the way we have to go about adding photos to the body of our journals that I have given up.  I add photos to the little box and that's it.  I have set up my home page but I cannot get the process to add pictures to work, even on the new computer.  It's maddening!
Hugs,  Kathy

Anonymous said...

Hmm I did  have more than the usual trouble accessing hometown.  I would keep getting an error gateway, but eventually it would go through and I was able put some photos posted.  Hope it is straightened out.  Gerry

Anonymous said...

It`s EXPIRED?  That sounds really daft!

Sandra xxxx