Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Of This And That

A very chilly and very overcast day here, the sun of yesterday now a fading memory.

Well, it was delicious

My rice pudding before we attacked it with gusto.  Mind you, we were very good and there is enough left for dessert this evening as well.  I never thought it was going to get done. Pudding rice, at least in this area, seems to be a thing of the past, nobody stocks it.  Basmati - yes, long grain- yes, wild rice - yes - you can get all those but plain old pudding rice...........no!  I even went to Tesco online in a search for it but could not find it there either.  In the end, in desperation, as by now him indoors  was dreaming of the rice pudding I had promised him, he went to the health shop.  Success.  They sold it under the name of Arborio white rice.  It looked the right shape so I went ahead and, as you can see, all was well.  It seems that nowadays everyone wants microwave rice puddings or tinned and there seems no call these days for good old pudding rice.  Sad really. I wonder if it is just in this part of the country.

Mike is continuing to lay insulation down in the loft and has come across one or two "lost" items up there in the process. Now, I do not know if your men are the same but ask Mike what ornaments are in our lounge and he simply could not tell you.  We have a saga every Christmas when I have to pack the ornaments away so that I can put up the Christmas decorations.  I always ask him to mark the box or boxes with whatever is in them.  Asking is one thing, getting  is another.  He always says he will remember.  So when it comes time to take the decorations down, we always have a problem.  "Where are the................" I ask him.  He looks blank.  Tells me he does not remember them.  Well, why should he, we have only had them for thirty odd years!!!!

When we moved to this bungalow we came from a four-bedroomed house.  Lots of things had to go and many more things were stored in the loft "temporarily".  The temporarily has turned into many years.  I have lost track of the times I have asked him where this ornament was or where that ornament had gone.  He assured me that every box in the loft had been gone through with a fine tooth comb and that I must have got rid of them.  I knew I never had.  My problem is that I cannot venture into the loft, never have been able to.  I do not like ladders and we have one of those pull down contraptions that is very steep.  I have never been able to attempt it.  I would much prefer having a cellar to a loft.  A cellar I could cope with. So, if him indoors tells me that everything has been checked, I have to accept it.

Late yesterday afternoon, he came down dragging some boxes with him.  "Better go through this rubbish" he says, pushing them towards me.  So in I dived.  Firstly I found a mouse had been in one of the boxes and made a nest - YUK. I hated to think of all that mouse wee over everything.  Anyway, it was mostly rubbish but buried under a heap of old newspapers were - a framed photograph of Mike's Dad,  and several of my missing ornaments!!! I had not seen them in over twelve years. 

Of course, him indoors had no explanation as to why he had never found them before or why he had told me that everything had been checked thoroughly. When I waved them in his face I get "oh yes, I remember them now".  MEN!!!!!!

He will be up there again this afternoon or tomorrow and who knows what might still turn up.  I know there are some missing family photographs. Whether they are still in existance I have no idea or maybe the mouse has eaten them if they were there to start with.

Anyway, if we find any treasures, I will let you know.  Now I am off to make a Shepherd's pie.

I am sure this desire to be cooking in the kitchen will wear off eventually.


Anonymous said...

Mike seems to have the same SELECTIVE memory as Hairy!
enjoy the pie!

Anonymous said...

Rice pudding has always been a favorite here, but sadly I haven't made it in years.  As with a lot of things, it just doesn't seem worth the effort when I'm the only one at home. I never knew that there was a special pudding rice.  Now I'll have to be on the lookout for it. Maybe when the family is home for the holidays I can make some.  My attic and my basement are loaded with stuff moved from a much larger house.  I am clearing out, but slowly and the stairs get harder and harder to deal with.  It's raining here too !  Glad you're enjoying your new kitchen !  'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

I have found pudding rice, Jeannette, but it takes 2 to 3 hours to cook. I'm spoiled, I used to have parboiled rice that would only take 40 minutes or so.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette, although i am not a blogger i have all yours posted to me, and rush to the computer every night to see if there is anything from you, and follow your life with interest. my name is marguerite and i live in Norwich, Norfolk. I laughed today with your story of Mike and the ornaments, and called out to my other half that there was someone exactly like him, i often smile at the similarities.You sound a lovely close family. Carry on giving me something to turn the computer on for. love Marguerite x

Anonymous said...

MEN!!! That's all I got to say about that!!  Shepherds pie and Rice Pudding...reminds me of school dinners...I loved them..much better than my Mums...but we never told her... ;-)
hope you find all your "hidden" ornaments...

Anonymous said...

I havn't made a rice pudding for quite a while now,but used to soak the grain overnight.Tinned rice is lovely done with nutmeg sprinkled on top a small knob of butter amount of suger to desired taste,then  cooked in the oven same for about an hour.Not just warmed in the microwave.But I must admit I still do love the old fashioned way of making rice.Mmmmmmmmmm might try one this Sunday for after sunday lunch.I will let you know if I had problems getting the grain.No loft or cellar now to empty here Jeannette,What a chore that is sorting them places glad mine is over. hope you enjoy him inside passing you boxes to browse through.LOL!! and find a few treasures.
Astoriasand http://journals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand/MYSIMPLERHYMES

Anonymous said...

AH i use my attic heftily also. I have sutff Ifind up there too often. but now we put stuff in the garage in shelving todd built and its easier to get to.
well never had rice pudding. maybe you can share the recipe

Anonymous said...

Yummm Jeannette that looks soooo good I would love the recipe for it! We can get pudding rice up here so if you ever want some sent down I would be happy to do that for you! Kelly X

Anonymous said...

Pudding rice?  The common or garden round sort?  You can get it up here in Lincs but I have to say you can only get small packs of it.  Arborio rice is wonderful for a risotto but I never heard of using it in rice pud.  Must try it.-Angie, x

Anonymous said...

That Rice pudding looks delicious Jeannette ~ wonder what other treasures Mike will find in your attic ~ pity you can't go up there yourself then you would know what was there ~ Men have no idea LOL ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

I know the feeling when it comes to lofts.  I have never been able to bring myself to put my head in one, even when I could climb the loft ladder!  A cellar would be best - you could put a stairlift on those steps.

Anonymous said...

mmmmmm that looks good. i have never heard of pudding rice. usually it is made with just plain rice here. ewwww a mouse nest, i would of freaked, lol. hope you find lots of lost treasures. have a great day. ((((((((hugs)))))))))

Anonymous said...

Yum, your rice pudding looks wonderful.  It sounds like there's a treasure hunt going on in your attic.  LOL    Linda in Washington

Anonymous said...

Now that is a proper rice pudding ,not this ambrosia stuff that comes from a tin makes me miss my Mum looking at that ,Idont think Mike is unique ,they dont  put the same value on our treasues do they ?..love Jan xx

Anonymous said...

"What is the matter with Mary Jane?  She's crying with all her might and mane.  And it's lovely rice pudding for dinner again!  What is the matter with Mary Jane."

Made me think of that.  By the author of Winnie the Pooh.  I love rice pudding.  Mama used to make.  I try, but it don't turn out exactly right.  Most recipes call for uncooked rice.  Mama made hers from leftover rice.  Probably more of her being a child on the heals of the depression and rationing in WWII.  Of course, here we eat it mainly as a dessert type thing.  And we eat a whole lot of rice & gravy!  LOL

Would love to have your recipe!  -  Barbara

Anonymous said...

Glad your missing ornaments were found. Maybe you would put the recipe in your journal of your rice pudding. Ken loves it but I haven't found a good recipe for it. Yours looks delicious.
Hugs, Helen

Anonymous said...

PS  That rice pudding looks divine!!  I do love a good rice pudding.

Anonymous said...

Oh my, the mouse would definitely freak me out.  I can't trust my husband to do the labeling either.  I have this marker I keep hidden and go around slashing things with it in huge letters.  It is time I take off the Halloween goose outfit and put on the Thanksgiving one but since we are going to be moving soon I'd just like to skip holidays a bit all together this year.  You are right, even over here in the states people cook everything in a hurry and I am so sick of canned veggies I've been buying the frozen ones.  Much healthier and fresher, for pennies more.  Hugs,

Anonymous said...

(((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU))))))))))))))))))Did you already put a christmas tree up?lol.Mom and I usllay put the ornaments on and put them away,so,our Dad doesnt do it.lol.But,we wait till the last munite to get a tree,but,now have one of thoes artaficial ones that glow with lights,it is pretty.have a nice day.The pudding looks good.

Anonymous said...

The rice pudding looks delicious! YUM!
Glad you found somethings that were lost. :)
Have a lovely day.

Anonymous said...

I'll be right over for some pudding,,,,,,,,,muuuuuuuu  lol       DIANE

Anonymous said...

You are having so much fun with the oven!  I think we will need a picture of the Shepherd's Pie as well...!  How nice it is to find things you thought were long gone!  Hope the mice didn't get to the other things...Jae

Anonymous said...

you cant beat a bit of home cooking, and that pudding looks very tempting, might just have to pop down for some, LOL, I would hate to see the size of that mouse if its been in you loft eating all your lost ornaments for the past 12 yrs,  thats men for you if it doesnt jump out at them and say "I'm here" then its not there, but let them be looking for something of theres and they find it straight away,
take care Lynne xx

Anonymous said...

I love rice pudding, in fact, it is one of the first things MY DAD, taught me to make...yes, my Dad. It was one of his favorite foods...and yours looks awesome and yummy.  Oh, my...a Shepherd's pie...you are one good cook....love that too....I just want to come there for dinner and all meals...enjoy that beautiful kitchen...many hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

If you run across any old magazines you don't want I will take them and pay you for them! Tammy

Anonymous said...

I buy my pudding rice in asda's...sometimes i do just give garath one of the yoghurt sized pots but i usually make my own...No way could i venture up into a loft either...I haven't been in my mums one for at least 2 years as i just cannot face going up the ladder...when my younger sis was building her house i didn't venture upstairs until they had actual staircase in...Am serverly acrophobic and loft ladder is a defo no no...A cellar yeah that would be fine...When i eventually win the lottery (ROFL) am building a house with no loft bu one huge massive cellar...Enjoy the shepherd's pie :o)  Caff xxxx

Anonymous said...

Your rice pudding looks so yummy!!  Makes me hungry just looking at it!  
I think all men are like that.  At least all of the ones I have met.  They just don't think of the little things that we ladies do.  When I was married, I could take things down and put up different pictures, ornaments, and my hubby wouldn't even NOTICE!   As long as the house is comfortable, clean, and there's food and the TV, they are good.  They don't care what's on the book shelf.  
In a way, it's a good thing because I can buy nice items and nobody notices and has a fit about $$!  Then, when it's finally noticed, it's been here for a long time and there's no conversation of $$.  
Have a good day Jeannette.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jeannette, you should have put a warning up.  I can't stand those sort of puddings, anything with milk in eeeeek.  I can't even think or watch about anyone eating them!  Poor Paul has only had custard a couple of times during our married life and has had to hide all the evidence from me and I had to leave the room whilst he ate it.  He gave up trying about 25 years ago!!!  I have lived without milk all my life ... I think I only had mum's own make and that was it.  We do have milk for the children though and they have suffered the no custard rule since they have been with me too.  So, now you know my secret.
Glad you are enjoying the kitchen though and that you have unearthed lost treasure in the loft.  Hugs Terry x

Anonymous said...

Lol, typical man, we have exactly the same problem here. I also have the same problem getting pudding rice although we have a great shop here with almost everything you could wish for in the specialist department.

Anonymous said...

Hello Jeannette,  Your pudding looks delicious, but I suppose it`s too late to ask you to save me some...lol!  When I last bought some it was called Arborio so I suppose we`ve seen the last of the pudding rice we knew and loved.  I wonder it is something to do with the EU, I wouldn`t be at all surprised.   I dread what`s in our loft, so much stuff goes up but very little ever comes down, goodness knows what we`ll find when we eventually move house! :o)

Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

I love rice pudding, hope you enjoyed it...yummy!!!


Anonymous said...

You can buy proper pudding rice here in Sainsbury's, I never buy it as I don't like hot puddings but I know Andy buys it a lot! Dear old Mike, men just don't look at things we treasure in the same way! Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

Hello Jeannette,

I always thought that there must be another husband that can't find things in the loft that HE put in there!  We moved here eight years ago and he still cannot find a box of my miniature teasets (that he packed himself) in the loft!  He saw them before the house had the building work done on it, but not since;  I know he wouldn't have thrown the box away because it is clearly marked...oh well, he'll probably find it when he's looking for something else!

As for the rice pudding, it brought back memories of when my two brothers fought over who would have the biggest piece of 'skin', I hated the skin and was quite happy with just the rice, those of us that remember rice pudding will know just what I mean by the 'skin'!

Thanks for a lovely entry and I'm glad you are making good use of your new kitchen.
Love, Pat

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Jeannette, but I am after your rice pudding as well. I would gladly have some especially at this late hour at night (or early in the morning)! Glad you managed to find the right rice for preparing it. Arborio is an Italian type of rice. costs a pittance there and here insted the price is rather high. We use it also for rice salads, risotto etc. We hardly have any long grain, basmati etc....
Love your new kitchen. How lucky for you to have such a clever husband. Mine has problems to change a lightbulb! Anyway, good night.

Anonymous said...

Havent had a shepherds pie in ages!Love them! What fun ur having with your new oven. Thats great! gINGER

Anonymous said...

dear Jeanette
whata beautiful rice pudding! and flower to boot! my step father loved those steak and kidney pies! and other puddings!:):) Sounds like youare diggin up a lot of old treasures! let us know! love,natalie

Anonymous said...

My dad LOVES rice pudding.  My mom makes it once in a while for him. I made it once when Dennis and I were first married.  He liked it, I didn't.  LOL  Yours looks wonderful.  I can almost smell it cooking.  Yummmy.  I bet seeing those ornaments was like being united with old friends.  How wonderful!
Hugs,  Kathy

Anonymous said...

they sell arborrio rice in Tesco! It's risotto rice...cos it goes all sticky, I guess thats why it's used for rice pudding as well....

Hope you're ok :)

Love Amy

Anonymous said...

i love rice pudding and semolina pudding, my nan used to make it, men, cant see the wood for the trees, only yesterday i ended up searching for paracetamol when my other half couldnt find it, and it was in the exact same place i told him!!!Donuts the lot of them!Beckie.

Anonymous said...

Shepherd's pie and rice pudding...yum..sounds good enought to make a trip across the pond for.  I'm so far behind on journals.  I haven't been getting alerts but no matter because I can't stay connected long enough to AOL to do anything about.  I had my broadband people out and my daugher thoroughly checked the pc.  Pure AOL problems.  I'll be back again to catch up.  I have a loft and a cellar.  My loft has mice, which I'm totally terrified of.  My cellar is sort of musty so I've been keeping my ornaments tucked away on my sunporch for lack of another option at this time.  Can't wait to see what else Mike unearths.  xx Chris

Anonymous said...

Hello Jeannette,

I sure wish I could have been there to taste your rice pudding it looks delicious. I have NEVER eaten rice pudding. I wish you were here to make some for me I would sure love to have some. We don't have rice pudding here at home. My family and I have white rice with red beans but that's about all that we have with rice.

We haven't unpacked any of our Christmas ornaments yet. We don't usually start our Christmas decorating until late November. We do have a "Holiday At Home" Christmas Parade in a little place in my neck of the woods called Jonesboro which is fun. I love Christmas time. We have a Mardi Gras theme for our Christmas tree. I hope that you and your family have a wonderful memorable Christmas and New Year. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Rice pudding and lost decorations found... what a great day...
Linda :)