Today we remember and honour our fallen. At the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. All those thousands of lost lives. Today we honour the sacrifice they made in the name of freedom. Tomorrow the solemn ceremonies will be held.
Our family were lucky. Our many relatives who served in the forces all came safely home. My paternal Grandfather and his half-brothers served in the Boer War, before that their ancestors served in earlier conflicts. My uncles served in the First World War as very young men. One was taken prisoner and made to work in the salt mines. When he returned his hair was totally white. My maternal Grandfather saw some of the bloodiest fighting in the trenches of that war. Many of his close friends fell around him. He would never talk of it. He was badly gassed and eventually invalided home. His two sons served in the Second World War, one in the Tank Regiment and one on the Russian Convoys. My own father saw service and his hearing was affected ever afterward by the noise of the anti-aircraft guns he was firing. My brother served in the Korean War. He saw good friends die and came home a totally changed man. But, as I said, we were lucky, no knock on the door for our family, no dreaded telegram, our loved ones did return safely home. Some of my school friends lost their fathers.
Armistice Day was first commemorated one year after the First World War ended. The “war to end all wars”. Nobody thought they would ever see carnage on that scale again. Just over a score of years later, the world was once more in turmoil and millions more perished. Since then, somewhere in the world wars or troubles have continued. It seems that peace is a vain hope, still an unreachable dream.
Between the crosses row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
Tomorrow services of Remembrance will be held at the Cenotaph in Whitehall and in towns and villages all over the United Kingdom. People will come together to remember.
They went with songs to the battle, they were young,
Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow.
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted;
They fell with their faces to the foe.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn,
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them
As we honour those who fell in the past, we remember as well that troops are still laying down their lives, in Iraq and Afghanistan. During this year many families have lost dear ones. Husbands, Fathers, Sons, Brothers, Nephews. Young men going off to do their duty, dreaming of the day they would return home, dreaming of their futures, futures that would be snatched from them. Families left bereft, grief immeasurable.
Let us never forget the debt we that we owe to all those thousands upon thousands of brave men. Let us strive to make the world a better and more tolerant place, to work for a time when we can all live in harmony and peace. Let them not have died in vain. We salute and honour them and the sacrifice they made. All gave something, some gave everything. May they rest in peace.
For Your Tomorrow, We Gave Our Today"
Mike said yesterday how much you put into your entrys ,and yes this entry is a perfect example ,you have covered every thing here ,and it will have taken alot of thought andresearch ,to put this amazing entry together , your words carry a power ul message on their own ,but Jeannette the words and pictures on your video clip ,had me in tears ..Bless you Jan xx
A very fitting tribute.
bella x
That was a beautiful entry. I love the graphics of the Poppys. Hopefully our loved ones will always be remembered with honor for all that they did and all they are doing now. 'On Ya' - ma
What a lovely tribute. My grandfather was at Ypres and he came home safe and sound. His nephew was taken by the Japanese in WWII and, although he came home, he came home a broken man and never truly recovered. Eileenx
A friend once shared that poem with me, and every time I see I get misty. Beautiful post! Thanks for sharing.
What a beautiful tribute...lovely...have a great weekend...many hugs and love,
very irish sounding song on your your video there. I love it. I also love the poem. Yes the vets have it hard.
Great job Jeannette! Love it
A lovely entry Jeannette, I love Finbar Fureys' voice and The Green Fields Of France is my favourite by him! My dad was a Desert Rat in the war, I have lots of photos of him in North Africa in the war. He was also sent home in 1944 injured and suffered the rest of his life. Bless all the men and women who fought for us. Jeannette xx
Jeanette, Today as every day you seem to excell yourself. No wonder you won the award. Thank You. sybil
)(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((JEANNETTE)))))))))))))))))))))Very moving,thank you for letting us remember our fallen heros and our heros today.Have a great weekend.
Wonderful tribute.
God Bless,
Absolutely beautiful!!!
Thank you so much for sharing...
A lovely tribute to those loved and lost,
take care Lynne xx
very nice tribute, have a wonderful weekend. I love poppy's, i also donate so i can get one made by a veteran. (((((hugs))))))))
You have composed a wonderful entry to honor all Veterans that have sought to overthrow tyrants that have brutally killed and sought to gain control over people's destiny. The poems are emotional speak for those who have died for freedom. Your photos are an eloquent commemoration of them. I will honor them in my solemn moments of silence during this time of appreciation for those who gave their lives in the name of freedom. mark
Beautiful tribute... My husband and I watched the video together also... where do you get your you tube entries?
Hugs with Love
Hi there Jeannette,
I am sorry but I am lost for words here, it is a sad time but a time, for all of us, that we must try to remember and keep in our minds the suffering that has taken place, over the years, for the sake of others.
I like that poem
Wonderful tribute Jeannette ~ I love that poem ~ and the video ~ thanks for sharing them all ~ Ally
What a wonderful tribute to commemerate the thousands of men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for their countries, and so sad that still so many service personnel are still paying the same price today.
A wonderful tribute Jeannette, The poems and the video captured the moment. Lest we forget........
Sandra xxxx
This is so wonderful...just a beautiful tribute :)
Very well done Jeannette. A moving tribute. Hugs, Helen
It is also Veterans Day in the US. Many years ago, we also called it Armistice Day. My mother still calls it that. We certainly owe a huge debt to our veterans for serving our countries and enabling us to enjoy the freedom of life that we do. xx Chris
Jeannette I have just returned home from the Royal Albert Hall Festival of Remembrance service, a very touching and moving experience as you can imagine.If they ever need a script writer I think you should offer you services, whilst there were many moving stories yours matched them all.
As we honour the past may we put our faith in the future
Love Pat x
Wonderful entry! My own family and servicemen have been blessed to all come home in one piece. My father, fourteen uncles, and my step-father all from WWII. My maternal grandfather from WWI. My brother in law from peace time. My nephew from a sint in the Navy Seals. And a first cousin, from Vietnam.
Hi Jeannette! Beautiful entry! Loved the video, too. Very moving. We've had celebrations all over the place here, too. Parades...ceremonies....all kinds of things to help us pay tribute. Thank you for this entry.
Dear Jeanette
hugs! What a beautiful poem! I love it!
great job Jeanette!thanks so much
Yes Veterans we love you! we salute you! thank you so much!
one of my friends is currently in iraq and thankfully due home soon Caff xxx
This was a beautiful entry Jeannette. You said everything we all feel. Hugs. Terry x
Beautiful entry.
such a beautifull entry Jeannette, well done!
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