Thursday, November 2, 2006

Final Voting For Vivis

The site is open for the final votes for the Vivi Awards, so pop along and get yours in.  My tarot reader above is busy predicting all the winners but is staying very tight lipped. Very good luck to all the nominees. To me, all the journals I read are special and so are the people who write them. You have until the 6th to make your final choice and then the polls close.

Here is the link to the voting site.

Main Page @ - A Hosted Site

Well, we really had a taste of winter yesterday, very cold especially last night.  I had a tiny hope of a white Christmas.  I remember how I used to love them when I was little, I can remember so well opening my Christmas presents and then rushing outside to build a snowman and having a snowball fight with my Dad whilst Mum cooked the Christmas lunch.  I would like Nathan and Daniel to experience something like that.  However, the climate has changed so much over the years and it seems that in this corner of England, a white Christmas is definitely a thing of the past.  The long term forecast in the paper says that Christmas is going to be very mild and possibly wet and that any really cold weather we get will not be until next February.  Still, I suppose things could change.

We did not get any trick or treaters, in fact, it was all quiet around here.  They raked "Halloween" out yet again for the fright film of the night.  How many times can they keep showing that?  We ended up watching a DVD - "Derailed" and enjoyed it very much.  I like films with a twist in them.

Him indoors has started laying new insulating material  in the loft.  What is already up  there is very old and thin.  With the ever spiralling gas and electric bills, we have to save money where we can.  I suppose that is the good thing that will come out of a mild winter, we can have the heating on lower.  Really, what with still battling the bug he has, he should be resting but Mike is one that likes to keep on the go.

He was speaking to one of the nurses that daily visit our neighbour, Janet, across the road.  He mentioned the bug and asked the best thing to do.  She said there is so much of it about, that it is a virus and does not respond to anti-biotics and can take up to three weeks before you really start to feel better, which probably accounts for the both of us feeling so tired.  Even Becky is not completely over it yet.

I have decided to do a bit of knitting.  Maybe it is the winter.  I used to love to knit whilst I was watching t.v. but once I got into the computer that fell by the wayside to a great extent.  Anyway, last night I suddenly got the desire to pick up the needles again.  Nothing fancy, just a totally plain jumper for me.  I have some nice pale lilac wool so, later on, when I have done some housework and caught up on alerts, I am going to make a start.

The day after tomorrow our new oven should be going in and I am looking forward to cooking the Sunday dinner in that. The electric will be off as I mentioned in a previous entry so I do not know if I will get around to commenting on Saturday but at least I will have my knitting to keep me occupied whilst the men are at work.

Now, I had better toodle off and make a start on what needs doing.

Once again, do not forget to cast your vote.  Jackie, Chris and the team have worked very hard to keep this together despite the problems there have been.  Make it all worthwhile by supporting the awards and having your say.

Have a good day everyone.


Anonymous said...

I've already been! Good luck with your nominations! I hope the new cooker gets installed with no problems. I used to knit a lot but I dread to think what my cats would do if they saw balls of wool to play with! It's bitterly cold here too. Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

yes I have voted already and of course you were one of my picks. share pics of the new stove. yes I remeber in the 70s every winter a ritual was to go driving in the countrywith mom and road snow covered roads. dont get that much now. yes we had it cold last weekend then it warmed up sunday and mon and tues and wednesday the big chill came. you seem to be a few days behind us so you shoudl beg etting a warm up then a chill down as we are cold again. They predicted a summer like 97 and 98 but to me that is puzzeling becuase that is the winter we had the freak dusting. they siid OH all you will see is a dusting of snow if that. wtih in two hours the interstate was shut downa d with in three hours we had a 18 inches of snow. to two foot. so let them predict. I think they seem to be a little screwy.

Anonymous said...

I did my voting early Jeanette,like to get things out of the way.Love the Tarot graphic.Yes cooler but we still have lovely sunshine here today.The heating on.Happy Knitting.Good Luck with the Viva's.
Astorisand http://journals.,

Anonymous said...

Yes,I've been... good luck to us ay? do show us your knitting when you get it cast on,as you know I love to knit ,dont forget if your fingers hurt (arthritis ) bamboo needles help ,it will make a big difference when your loft is lagged ,Hey that graphic is very good today ,dont want snow lol ,.,love Jan xx

Anonymous said...

I've been there and voted early this morning...good luck...
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

Jeannette we had hail and snow here in Norfolk yesterday and it is still very cold today but dry at the moment ~ Hope they don't tae too long to install your new cooker ~ enjoy your knitting that will keep you occupied for a little while ~ would like to see it when you have finished ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

We have some snow showers in the forecast for today.  No accumulation.  Often our Christmas is not white, but by the middle of January we have more than we ever wanted.  I wish you well with the voting -- just remember no matter the outcome, you are one of my favorites and according to the many comments you get, you are a favorite of lots of others.  I love the idea of knitting.  Last winter I made some neck scarves to wear with coats while sitting with my mom who was sick at the time, but passed away in March.  It is good to keep your hands busy.  
'On Ya ' - ma

Anonymous said...

i'm not a snow person. i don't like it. hope your new stove is installed soon. i like to knit also. am making a blanket right now. have a great day. ((((((hugs))))))))

Anonymous said...

I have had this bug for a couple of weeks now and still have a hacking idea how to get rid of it...makes you feel so miserable doesn't it. love conniex

Anonymous said...

Your recollection of Xmas sounded lovely!  I do hope Mike feels better soon.  When you get the new stove....I wanna see pics of the new kitchen!!  I hope you like it.
Will be voting tonight.  I'm off to work today.  Have a good day.

Anonymous said...

Hope your stove is up soon & Mike feels better.
I went over very early & did my voting. Good luck to you.
Hugs, Sugar

Anonymous said...

Bet you will be so glad to get your new cooker installed. Just in time for Thanksgiving and Christmas to make those delicious home cooked meals. Good luck to Mike on putting in new insulation. That should make those heating bills stay lower. Good luck on the Vivi's. Hugs, Helen

Anonymous said...

I wish a beautiful white Christmas for you and the boys!  So many things being doen in your home...hope the insulation helps to save some money.  Can't wait to hear how you like cooking on an electric stove!  Jae

Anonymous said...

Oh to have a white christmas again, we dont have winter like we used to anymore do we?
Hope you and Mike both get well soon, I try to avoid viruses like the plague, anyone with a cold is band from our house, as I take so long to shake them off,
take care Lynne xx

Anonymous said...

I did my voting.  Good Luck!!

Anonymous said...

WOW, you are really keeping "him indoors" busy. Do you loan him out?  I have some things that need tending to.  I hope he wears some sort of mask while he installs that insulation.  Those fibers can be awful to breath in.   I'll go over and vote.  Linda in Washington

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with your view of the movie Halloween. I loved it the first time I saw it. It has now been worn as thin as a tab of butter over a hot loaf of bread. Enough already. Still, we watched it like zombies that can't turn from their path.


Anonymous said...

I voted !!! How fun to be able to vote for people I like, unlike the Political voting options available to me this week in our local elections.  Linda in WA

Anonymous said...

Hello Jeannette,

I`d better get voting for the VIVI`s while I can still remember who I want to vote for.  I`ve been so busy lately I don`t know if I`m coming or!  Wasn`t it cold last night?  I had to scrape the car before I left for work this morning, luckily because the shop is housed in an old greenhouse it was really warm while the sun was overhead, though I still kept my fleece on.  I`d love Roman to see snow as well but like you I think it`s very unlikely in the South of England.  He`ll have to go to Russia to see some real snow.  Your mystic looks rather like Heather Mills Macartney, she seems to get everywhere these! ;o))

Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

Hope the knitting goes well but remember not to overdo it to begin with or you neck will bother you, would you know I am speaking from experience. Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

Dear Jeanette, I simply love the graphic of the tarot lady.  I have gone and done some voting, I hope you win your categories, fingers crossed (but not while you are knitting, ok)! Terry x

Anonymous said...

Been and voted today...I have a cardi still on the needles that I was knitting for the new baby who`s now 18! good luck with yours.
bella xx

Anonymous said...

LOL at the Tarot cards.  Wish it was that easy.  Voting has been super brisk.  So much for the unpopularity of the awards.

The weather here is beyond brisk.  Winter is definitely pushing into Pennyslvania.  I'm not liking it a bit although I'm like you...I love a white Christmas. xx Chris

Anonymous said...

we never had a white chiristmas here but it would be nice. I love the snow

Anonymous said...

(((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU)))))))))))))))))Already have voted.Good luck to you,thanks for the nfo.Have a good week.