Friday, July 29, 2005

Late Night Entry

So, what have I been up to?  Working on the family tree mostly.  Over eighty pages to be checked for spelling errors, erroneous dates, regimental numbers etc.  It does not sound much but first I had to print off a rough draft and proof read it, altering and amending things which was very time consuming. Then, for every mistake there was or things I wanted to add, I had to bring up the person's details, go into their notes and alter things, scanning backwards and forwards between different lines of the family.  It took me the best part of three days and nearly drove me mental!

Although only the rough copy, Mike took it to Staples and got it bound.  They told him it would take about twenty minutes so he wandered off and looked around the nearby shops.  He was impressed  when he picked it up.  I had told him to scan through quickly and make sure all was in order. He said he had.  It duly went off to my cousin who is now considering providing more information (doubtful). Something made me flick through my copy today (we got a spare one bound as it is easier to work on) only to find that page 19 is missing!  Lost somewhere in the bowels of the shop no doubt.  And of course, page 19 just happens to contains a few details of this cousin and his family.  It could only happen to me!

He would have received it this morning as we sent it special delivery.  Response so far - none - although he has both my e-mail and telephone number, he is retired and has plenty of time on his hands.

Wonderful to see that Sandra got so many congratulatory messages on the birth of her Grandson.  Sad to see that Tammy got so few on the birth of hers.  It is the first time I have been disappointed in the response from J-Landers. I guess it was too much to ask of you to visit two journals one after the other but the babies were born one after the other and I could not mention one and leave the other out. Tammy has changed the name of her journal today by the way (see previous entry for new link).

Apart from that I have been playing online Bingo.  Never thought I would as I have always considered gambling to be a mug's game.  I started because I wanted a complete break, something totally different where I could just sit back and mark numbers off and give my brain a rest from spinning facts.  I am pleased to be able to report that, so far, I am ahead,  having won several lines and a couple of full houses!!!!  Will my luck last.......................probably not but I can live in hopes.

Poor Becky has now been provided with crutches (yes, her back really is that bad).  She is seeing the specialist again next week and we can only hope and pray that they bring the C-section forward by a few days.

Well, I guess I have waffled on enough for the time being. Think I will have a nice cup of tea and then retire to bed with a book, on the other hand, I could just win another line.......... no I must control myself!

Have a great weekend everybody.



Anonymous said...

Wow doing a family tree is a big tast for just one family member to do.  I am not that brave lol but we all have differnt passions.  I saw the neatest thing in one of the house magazines where they took a family tree and old picuters and made a wall tapestry of it.  I can not imagine the time and entery a project like that would take lol.

I sometimes play bingo on AOL'S pogo games for free where you win tokins for a monthly drawing for the prizes.  That is about as close to gambling I think I want to get lol.

Much Love,

Anonymous said...

What a project!  Too bad about the missing page.  Poor Becky!  How horrible to be so miserable!  Hope you had a good night...JAE

Anonymous said...

Good for you on getting your family tree done.  I hope they can find the missing page and make it complete.   mark

Anonymous said...

Really feeling for Becky, it must be awful for her at the moment.  I do hope, as you say, that they bring things forward.  
I hope your cousin gets in touch to thank you soon, after all the work you put into your family history!
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

One missing page?? Isn't that the pits!!! Oh well , people are imperfect, hope Becky manages OK with the crutches! Hope baby comes soon!

Anonymous said...

The family tree is such a good uncle did it for my Mom's side of the family and he updates it all the time with the new family  members...the computer helps a lot.  I love your graphic pretty.  I did leave a message for Tammy, I hope she and her famiy are doing well, I also saved her site.  Please tell Becky we have her in our prayers...I hope see can get answers with the specialist next week, keep us posted.
Take care!

Anonymous said...

Maybe that particular page is meant to be missing to force them to ring and ask about it ;)

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about Becky. The missing page seems very eerie. Take care.
Sylvia x

Anonymous said...

You really have done a marvellous job with your family history work - I do admire you. It's going to be a unique record that generations of your family will thank you for - over many decades to come. You deserve a medal! But isn't that just typical - they don't just lose one of the pages, they lose the most important one! Congratulations on it all anyway!


Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette,  You have done so much work on your family tree and then the shop loses an important page, how very frustrating.  I do hope things will get easier for Becky, I`ll keep her in my thoughts and prayers.  I visited Tammy`s journal and noticed that she hadn`t had many visitors, it was a bit sad as I had so many.

PS.  The post arrived early!

Sandra xxxxx

Anonymous said...

I'm guilty of not send congrats to either one but I did check out their journals and will go back and leave a comment...thanks for the reminder.  Our family tree is increasing, but nothing the size of yours.  One of my daughter-in-laws is putting it all on here computer and one of my husband's aunts just gave us pages of stuff from that side of the family.  It's so very interesting and my children are finding out they are related to people they know, but didn't know they second cousins etc.  It's such fun !  Enjoy your Sunday !  ' On Ya'  - ma

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you feel that way about journallers congratulating one and not the other.  To be honest I have only just read your message about Tammy so I apologise.  Sorry to hear about page 19 missing - it must feel bad after all the work you've put into it.  Let's hope you don't hear from the cousin

Anonymous said...

I see you are skipping down the primrose path, Jeannette! Bingo. Hmmm. Hope all goes well for Becky.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about Tammy! I went to both journals and while the first entry was easy to spot...I was able to locate Tammy's entry about her new grandchild.

Anonymous said...

Lovely hummingbird graphic. You have been keeping yourself busy. lol.

Anonymous said...

Have only just found your site, think the graphics are fantastic.