Saturday, July 23, 2005


I love Dolphins which is why I have used this graphic today.  Water, Dolphins, what could be more peaceful.

I think we in Britain could do with some peace at the moment.  With another near bomb disaster on Thursday and a man being shot dead by police yesterday....... we seem to be living in a world gone mad right now, a world I am sure our parents, even ourselves, could never even have envisaged.

It looks at long last as though we might get some rain, most probably tomorrow and it will be nice not to have to water the garden.  I feel for our friend and neighbour, Margaret, though. She and her husband , Brian, open their garden to the public once a year in aid of our local hospice. Tomorrow is opening day. Those of you who think my garden is nice should see hers, it is like something from a magazine! Over the years they have raised thousands of pounds to help sick and dying children.  Obviously, if we get heavy rain, people will not attend and Mike is hoping to get photographs so that I can share with you.  Well, I am sure Margaret will rise to the occasion whatever the weather.

Talking of the garden, our little local nursery is selling plants very cheaply.  Because of the very cold Spring and the late start to the Summer, this is the first year I remember when Roy, the owner, has had a glut of plants. Usually the greenhouse and forecourt are empty of summer bedding by now.  Five boxes of plants for £10. Cannot be bad. I saw them on a little drive out yesterday morning and  I was tempted by Marigolds and spent all of yesterday afternoon planting up tubs of those, a real bright splash of colour which really glow on a dull day such as this.  Of course, snails like Marigolds very much and must think we have provided them with a take-away meal so I shall now be on snail watch.  We have thousands of them here and all attempts to rid ourselves of them has failed.

As you know, I am not doing my journal every day now. I should have explained that I will not be visiting journals every day either, it is just too much.  I spend much longer reading journals than I do writing mine.  So expect a visit from me every other day or every couple of days. I wanted to explain that so you would not think I have deserted you!  What with looking after Nathan and jobs being neglected around the house, I simply had to cut down my computer time.  Take this morning, I logged on to find over 250 items in my mail box and this happens on a daily basis, sometimes there are more than this.  So I end up on the computer for hours and hours because I do not want to miss anyone out or delete something by mistake.  I want to get back to being more active, enjoying my garden, keeping the house in reasonable condition and helping Becky as much as I can.  I know that you will all understand.  Journals have the habit of taking over our lives and there comes a time when you simply have to put the brakes on.

As I mentioned Becky, I am asking for your thoughts and prayers for her at this time.  As you know, she has been suffering severe back pain.  She saw the midwife last Wednesday and when the midwife realised how bad it actually is she made an appointment for Becky to see a specialist on Monday afternoon.  So please send out your good thoughts that this specialist can recommend something that will ease her pain.  She still has five weeks to go.

Now I am off to do housework. Yes, there is a price to pay for cutting down on journal time!




Anonymous said...

I agree, the dolphins are very peaceful.  I am horrified about what is going on over in London.  Terrorism is so useless.  Why blow up innocent ppl to get your message across?  Why hate?  Gardens are a nice way to take your mind off things!  I have a small perennial garden and I enjoy watching how it changes throughout the season.  I have a mix of spring and early summer and late summer plants.  

Anonymous said...

the dolphins are lovely, I know lots of people who like dolphins........Jules xx

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all your comments and for taking the time to do the journal. I do Reiki healing and will send distant healing (which utterly amazingly, does work) to Becky to help her along. Take care. Freddy

Anonymous said...

Lovely Nathan pic - last entry - :o)
I hope that if it rains tomorrow, it rains on your garden but not your neighbours, until everyone has gone home!  You're having little trips out again Jeannette?  That's fantastic, well done.  I hope that the specialist finds a way to help Becky.
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

Prayers for Becky.


Anonymous said...

That's far too many emails and things.
You do need to cut back!

Anonymous said...

First let me say, Becky is in my prayers...I pray her pain goes away...and I just know she will make the 5 weeks left.  Second, love the dolphins cool.
On the troubles in London...they are on top of things so good over makes the news here daily and to see how fast they have caught some is amazing.  I also pray it will end...enough is enough!  We need rain too...lot's of it...none yet...I am headed out to water now my poor flowers.  You take care!!!  

Anonymous said...

that's alot of email!!! It'll soon be over, becky!


Anonymous said...

Poor Becky!  Yes, I hope they can ease her pain a bit.  5 weeks is a long time to suffer.  I understand about the journaling; I have so many on alert, because I don't want to miss anything, either!  I hope to see you around a couple times a week!  I have already seen you this A.M.!  Thanks!  JAE

Anonymous said...

i can perfectly understand how you feel about the computer being all consuming yes your priority must be with your family at the minute,and we your extended other family must understand........ but pop by sometimes will be keeping Becky in our thoughts and counting the days  love to you all Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Love the grapic. My prayers are with Becky and I do know what back pain is all about. You do get a lot of email and I can understand why you are cutting back sending so much time on the computer. Have a nice wekend. Helen

Anonymous said...

Fun dolphin graphic.  A good rain will benifit all of the trees, gardens, and lawns.  Hope that the benifit with Margaret, and her husband, can be a success somehow also.  You will definitely have my thoughts and prayers for Becky.  250 letters is too many.  I would go crazy trying to answer that many.  I am only going to make one entry a week for Krissy or someone's photo/challenge.  My life has to come first, and the computer second, or third, or forth, whatever is this most important at the time.  We should never let the computer/journals become burdensome.  You are a wonderful person Jeannette, and I care for you dearly, and want you to enjoy you life away from the computer.  We will always stay in touch with you no matter what.  Take care,   mark

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean. I am so hooked on journals now! I spend all day and never get through. There are a few like yours that I read every day and the rest I read once or twwice a week oh and then there are the new ones I find every day! I change a few in my favortie journal section on occasion so I can have some new ones to catch up on. That way I limit myself to them and have a few minutes left for other things. Take your time and I will always be here. Get some rest! Becky is in my prayers!

Anonymous said...

awwwwwww  the picture looks so cool and refreshing.. my air is out.. and they are saying the today and tomorrow are to be the hottest days of the year here.

I can realte to cutting down on journal writing and reading.  Don't feel like it is something you HAVE to do every day, or else that wouldn't make it fun.  And when I get behind on my journal reads and my alerts are pilled sky high.. yes I delete them and catch back up the next round of alerts and read the back entries lol.

Much Love

Anonymous said...

Jeannette, you are not alone. I get online to do a an entry and finish up reading and commenting instead. As much as I love reading journals and keeping in contact with all those lovely folks out there, there are only so many hours in a day. Take care my friend. Have a "Marigold" weekend.
Sylvia xx

Anonymous said...

I so understand.  It is easy to become overwhelmed with journals you WANT to read, journals you want to investigate, and journal entries you want to write.  Journaling could easily become your entire life if you let it.  I often have to back away from the computer for a day of two.  J-Land is wonderful, but like chocolate it can become addictive.  I hope you have a nice weekend.  You and your country deserve one!  Pennie    

Anonymous said...

Sending good wishes to Becky xxx

Anonymous said...

I wish Becky all the best for Monday, let`s hope there is something they can do to help her.  I hope tomorrow is a good day for your neighbour whatever the weather, she must have a wonderful garden.   I have hardly seen any snails this year, and slugs, which I hate with a vengence and certainly fewer than usual.  I don`t know why this is but I`m certainly very pleased!  Have anice weekend :-)

Sandra  xxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Have agreat weekend


Anonymous said...

I love dolphins too!
I hate snails too! Lol. I sprinkle out the "last supper" to get rid of them every couple of weeks. Ewwwwww...
I totally understand about the journal control. I come home lately and easily sit here for three hours and still not done but I have two boys to look after and a house to clean too. Whatever will we do... I find sometimes that I love reading journals more that actually writing in mine.
Keeping Becky in my thoughts.
Have a wonderful Sunday!

Anonymous said...

Post when you have time, Jeannette! And best of luck to Becky! Maybe a nice pregnancy massage would help? We have people who specialize in that here.

Anonymous said...

Pregnancy is so hard on a body and now with the back pain...... Make sure that whenever she is laying down that she has a pillow behind her knees. If she is laying on her side to put one between her knees. It helps with the alignment of your spine and releives the pressure. If sitting she needs to keep one leg up like she is climbing steps. I will pray for her. Give that sweetie pie a great big hug! He is so cute!

Anonymous said...

Sincerely hope the specialist can offer Becky some help with her back - it must be so awful for her. My thoughts are with her anyway. Your neighbours obviously do a marvellous job with their garden - what an excellent idea! But, good luck to you with the snail patrols - blooming things! You are absolutely right to cut down on all that computer time. If you don't, Journals etc will become a major burden instead of a simple pleasure.


Anonymous said...

Dolphins are great, many have felt their soothing aura.  Priorities come in hand now with Becky so close and little Nathan. This is the time when you get things in order because come the lovely day energy is needed for the hustle and bustle and oh how lovely that will be. I hope your neighbours were able to gather much for the charity despite the rain, that's a lovely thing to do.  Post when possible, cos you'll be missed, but family and health are more important. Take care. xxRache

Anonymous said...

Definitely sending some good thoughts to Becky - bless her!!  I don't envy her in this weather poor thing.  Send her my best when you see her.  I like the graphic, and I totally understand the whole journal thing :-)