Monday, July 11, 2005

Monday Meanderings

I love this little graphic, froggie looks like it is chattering away, just like me, I love to natter! so I could not resist it.

Well, what a rollercoaster ride the last week or so has been.  First we were all watching Live8 , a couple of days later, we in the UK, were waiting to see whether we would be awarded the 2012 Olypmics and there was great celebration when we were, the following day the London bombings and all the horror that went with them, even a bomb scare in Birmingham on Saturday night.  Now many Americans are being affected by hurricane Dennis. We live in a very uncertain world.

On an even more personal note, I heard yesterday that a good friend had passed away.  She was only fifty-seven. Although she had been ill,  she seemed to be doing fine and nobody realised just how quickly the end would come.  When I went to post on her Memorial site, I broke down I must confess. She and I used to play as a team in tournaments on a games site every  Tuesday and Saturday night. We spent more time laughing than answering the questions and we became very close, exchanging presents and cards and phoning each other.  Yes, you can be real friends with a person that you never actually get to meet. She touched the lives of a lot of people. That is another reason I used the frog graphic.  My friend had a frog as her symbol in games, she was dotty about frogs and I know she would have just loved this.

I have had a bad week with back pain which is still not right but hopefully getting better although very slowly and I am not coping too well with the humidity we have at present.

So now it is Monday again, what will this week bring?None of us knows but let us hope that for all of us, it is much better than last week.

Life in our household has gone on very much the same except that I have been lying down a good deal and Mike has been the Angel he always is preparing meals, doing the cleaning and taking the "boys "out. 

The garden is doing well except for the weeds which always sprout so strongly all over the place and I have not been able to attend to them.  Mike had to take over the watering and he did manage to cut the lawns and trim the hedges.

Only seven weeks to go now until we are Grandparents again.  We think it has gone very quickly but Becky says it has dragged for her.  She has suffered lots of back pain this time which is making things very uncomfortable for her, plus looking after Nathan and having the builders in.  She certainly has some fortitude, I doubt I could ever have coped with that all at once.  However, it will all be worth it in the end.

Becky has given me permission to share some pictures with you of the building work that is being carried on (you will see what she has to put up with). It will virtually double the size of their home

This is just one skip of soil that was taken out.

Back of their home, footings being dug. The fence is down and the neighbours had no privacy either!

Back of house again. Walls going up around their existing walls.

As it is right now.

Front of house.  It must be strange to see walls going up around you, outside your existing walls.

As it is right now. It is getting difficult for them to enter and exit. 

They have put most of their things in storage because as soon as the external walls are finished, they will have to move out whilst internal walls come down. They are hoping and praying the work will be finished before the new baby arrives.  I do admire her.  Having to cope with a young child,  being pregnant and all this, plus a few bits of hassle they have had and having builders tramping in and out of the house for drinks and to use the loo.  I take my hat off to her.

Well, that is about all the news from our little neck of the woods. 

Have a good week everyone.



Anonymous said...

aww so sorry to hear about your friend, i know that is hard.  I am with you on you can have best friends even if you never meet in person.  I always say if we never meet here we will surely see each other on the other of Eternity.  Love the frog and it reminds me of that saying F.O.R.G.  Fully Relies On God.

I just LOVE all the brick on Becky's house.  I am sure it will turn out beautiful!

Much Love.

Anonymous said...

oops.. it is FROG.. not FORG lol

Anonymous said...

Yes, it has been quite a week hasn't it.  My thoughts are with those in the US, in the path of hurricane Dennis.  Exciting times for you, with your new Grandchild only seven weeks away!!  I don't know how Becky is coping with all that building work going on.  It will be worth it I'm sure when it's all finished, but I do feel for her right now.  Sorry to hear about your friend.  ((((()))))
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

Sorry you have had so many ups and downs in your life lately Jeannettes, especially downs.  Hang in there.


Anonymous said...

So sorry about your friend. Love the frog and I love your signature today, really lovely. Becky must be a quite a girl to put up with all that. It was all I could do to go round the shop let alone have an extension built! Respect to her...


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your friend. Thinking of you and her family at this sad time.
The frog is a nice touch.

The building work must be driving them insane at the moment but they should be cheered by the thought of the end result.

Gem xx

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your friend, sometimes we know those we never meet better than those we do. I feel for Becky, we were undergoing major renovations when I was in late pregnancy, had to trapse down the garden several times a night to use the outside loo. It will be worth it though

Anonymous said...

I know it has been a rollercoaster for you and everyone there this last week.  Hope things calm down...
love the froggie graphic...won't be long for Becky...7 weeks should go by fast....tell her thanks for sharing the construction photos is going to look great at the end.  

Anonymous said...

Dear Jeannette I am so very sorry for the loss of your special friend.  I pray His peace and comfort for you, and for your continued healing.  

Think that grandchild might come on my birthday, Sept 2nd?  Wouldn't that be a hoot!  It's wonderful that they can add on to their home and have a place suited for their family.  I have to say from my perspective it looks so very Brittish!  lol  Love it.  Nothing quite like it around here.  -  Barbara

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about your friend. May God be with you, her family and her friends during this trying time. The frog is cute you have put in memory of her.
Hope your back soon gets better. It's good that Mike is doing things that need doing.
Becky will have so much more room when the addition is finished and I know she is having a time of it keeping Nathan away from all thats going on. Hope it gets finished before the new baby arrives.
Hope your week goes better this week.
Love you new name graphic. Helen

Anonymous said...

I`m so sorry to hear of the loss of your friend.  How very sad for you.  I do feel for Becky with all that building going on and the baby due so soon.  I can`t imagine how much mess is created inside ithe house, but I would`nt want to deal with that anytime. I hope the builders do their job quickly.  This last week has certainly taken us through a whole range of emotions, leaving us wondering what will happen next.

Sandra xxxxx

Anonymous said...

You are right it has been one of those weeks. So many peoples lives changed drastically in the blink of an eye......I am so sorry to hear about your dear friend. I will pray for  her friends and family. Loss is such a hard thing to deal with. I am sending you a big hug. I hope that your back gets better soon and that you are feeling better to take care of those weeds. Thanks for sharing these pictures with us. Get your rest because the new baby will need you. ;)
Hugs *Louise*

Anonymous said...

You've touched my life Jeannette, I consider myself a very lucky person to have "met" you. As for the's an overgrown wilderness. Hubby is slowly getting worse. It is such hard work to get him to do anything, other than go out. I now have a truly wild garden, at least the wildlife loves it. Frogs, toads, newts, birds of every description (including that wretched Heron!), hedgehogs, slow worms (or smooth snake, whichever you want to call it), foxes at night and the odd muntjac deer, that come to drink from tiny pond in the late evenings. The butterflies are the icing on the cake, but are proving very elusive to photograph. Take care my dear friend, am thinking of you; it's very hard losing someone in this life. God Bless.
Sylvia xxx

Anonymous said...

My condolences for the family of your friend who has passed away at the age of 57.  It is kind of you to make the tribute.   Hoping you back is getting better.  Thank you for your support about my having upset anyone.  You know Jeannette, I feel better apologizing and mending any harsh feelings, than I do thinking that I am right all of the time.  
God bless,

Anonymous said...

{ Yes, you can be real friends with a person that you never actually get to meet. }

No words could ever ring more true!!
I'm so very sorry to hear about your friend. I will keep everyone in my prayers during this difficult time. Poor Becky :o(
The privacy loss would drive me crazy!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanette,
 You have such cool graphics ,where do you get them from?

Anonymous said...

Great Frog! It certainly was a bit of a week. Have been up into London today & seems as busy as ever, lots of people everywhere.

Anonymous said...

Sorry you lost a dear friend.Its a real downer to lose someone special.The builders are making a good job,it will be fabulous when finished and they will have so much room.

Anonymous said...

How interesting to see the building progress! They do things very differently here. You hardly ever see buildings made of brick. I can't fathom how those interior walls are going to be removed, nor how the roof will be integrated.