Friday, July 15, 2005

Of This and That

Why have I used today's graphic?  Well, I have always been a nature girl at heart although I have always had to live in towns except for when I was very young and lived in the beautiful hills and valleys of Wales.  I love nature, I love trees, the sky (especially the night sky), water always calls to me and I love to sit beside it and I always loved to be on the sea in the days when I was able.  Owls are amongst my most favourite birds. I love the look of them and even the sound of them.  When I came across this graphic, I knew I had to use it.

It was heartwarming and touching to see the whole country and Europe come to a standstill at noon yesterday for the two minute silence in remembrance of the victims of the London bombings.  Mike and I kept it here at home. I still feel so sad for all those poor people who have lost loved ones.

I am grateful to Stuart for pointing me to the Weather Pixie that now appears on my journal.  A great idea, thanks Stuart!  Now you can all see what the weather is like where I live -  especially my American friends.  I was lucky, one of the locations that appears on the weather pixie site is only three miles from me, I am getting my weather forecast from there,  so that is about as accurate as you can get. If any of you would like your own weather pixie then just click on my little weather lady to go to the site.  It is worldwide so anybody can have one.

I am also grateful to Stuart for pointing me to audible books®I have been a listener of talking books for a long time.  Our library is quite small and I have exhausted their supply.  Now I can choose my books online and download them onto my computer!  I have not tried burning to disc yet, but that will come soon as I also like to listen to them in bed and my computer is in the lounge. I also listen whilst I am doing housework.  I already have about eleven hours of listening material so I shallnot be stuck for anything to do.  My only trouble is that I have seen so many I want!!!!

Going back to the weather, it is quite a lot cooler today but still humid.  I think we all feel like limp rags after the last few days.

Sadly, a wonderful journal ends today. Our friend, Josa, is closing her journal because she is leaving aol. and moving on to pastures new .  She was a great help to me when I first began writing, encouraging me to continue, in fact, I would have given up after three entries had it not been for her and another journaller and I know she has supported others.  I wish her all the best in the world.  I just know she will do well.  Hopefully she will have a new journal up and running soon but the current one will be sorely missed.

 I hope that the journal will still be available after today because I am asking all of you dear people to visit her journal and wish her well in her new career.  This is the nearest I can do to giving her an online "leaving party"

So please go to

A Mum's Tale

and leave some good luck messages for her. I know you would all want the same done for you!

Well, I think I have waffled on enough for now. Hope everyone has a good day and a great weekend.



Anonymous said...

lovely pictures of the dogs yesterday ,in fact lovely pictures, my photos are in the computer somewhere.....but......ah well.I especially liked the weather girl she reminded me of the paper dolls we had as kids...

Anonymous said...

Thank you Jeannette for my lovely 'leaving party'. I will be back <flexes muscles>

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Where can I find the weather pixie? Love the graphic :) Nice to see you back!


Anonymous said...

Wishing her well, and have read your journal very carefully Jeannette.  A very serious event took place during your momemt of silence nationwide.  Human life is so precious.    -mark-

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Pixie link.......... I love that!

Anonymous said...

Pretty pic.  Thanks for the pixie link, I'll check it out.

I'm so impressed with the bravery and stoicism of the British people.

Anonymous said...

Where do you get all the images with your name on it?

Anonymous said...

The weather pixies are cute, I am afraid of them for fear of spyware, so I have avoided joining the pixie crowd. LOL
if it's any consellation, our weather has warmed terribley, with all my European blood I am SUFFERING!If it's over75F I'm a wilted flower!!

Anonymous said...

I loved that Audio book site too, but can't afford to join until after our holiday, every penny counts at the moment!!  I do enjoy talking books though, I do my housework to them too :o)  Luckily, I've had a plentiful supply from my Mum so far, but when I join Audible books, I can choose my own :o) :o)
I have a weather pixie on J's private journal, the one he has his zoo webcams on.  Am thinking of putting one in mine too.
Already been and left a message in 'A Mum's Tale'.
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

Like you I love that style of picture - I have mainly wolves but owls are cool too! I have a few as jugsaws also. Oh how I wish it would rain!!!

Anonymous said...

Some of these graphic things are truly amazing - and that one today is really beautiful. I'm glad you've found that audio-book site. I'm sure it'll provide a whole world of fascinating stuff to listen to. An excellent facility. Hope the back isn't quite so painful today.


Anonymous said...

I`ve just got myself a weatherpixie, what a clever idea they are!  I have left a good luck message.  I`m sure she will be much missed by her readers.  It looks like a very good journal. :-)

Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

Hope all is well with you, loved the graphic and pleased to know you share my love of nature. I hope to get back to writing again at W/E. Sorry I'v missed some of your wonderful entries. Will try to find time at W/E to catch up, but daughter is coming tomorrow and Monday to clear and clean my kitchen units out. So depressing not being able to keep home properly clean myself anymore. Holly's birthday party is 2morrow but like threatre, meeting, village lunch; I cannot go. Physically shattered and mentally depressed with it all. Will speak soon. Take care my friend.
Sylvia xx

Anonymous said...

Good evening Jeannette....I love the graphic picture of the owl and the woman in it. This graphic is quite stunning I must say. Your writing is quite poetic and beautiful. I have never heard audible books but I am thinking I will try them.

On a different note about 4:00 this afternoon after I got off of work the sky opened up here in Georgia and it didn't just rain, it rained the entire Pacific Ocean just about. We have gotten so much rain in recent days that I might just have to grow webbed feet. I think pretty soon Georgia will become one huge island. It rains and rains and rains and rains and then nothing.....the sun reappears as if it never rained. Take care and sleep well.