There is a distinct nip in the air this morning and the sky is very gloomy. Time to start thinking about getting the winter clothes out. Mike took this lovely picture of a yellow rose yesterday - so pretty.
Thanks to all who commented on my rant yesterday, many agreed, some disagreed. Good job we are not all the same, we all have different opinions, that is what makes the world go around. I did notice, however, that most of those that agreed were women!
Can hardly believe that little Daniel is three weeks old today, time is flying. The building work is almost finished on their home and it will be a great relief to them, although that is where Dean has to start work with all the re-decorating but at least they can take their time. After three months, Becky says she is going to find it strange having the house to herself and not an endless procession of workmen every day but she will not be sorry to relinquish making all those cups of tea.
I am feeling very uptight at the moment, I am sure it is the stress of waiting for the blood results. I guess we are all the same, it is the not knowing, the wondering. Still, no good worrying about it so I shall find some things to do to take my mind off. I have 37 journals alerts for a start!
Well, unsually for me I cannot really think of anything else to say today so I wish you all a good day and hope that life is being kind to you.
P.S. Isn't it wonderful when something nice happens totally unexpectedly. Tammy over at Random Thoughts wrote some very nice things about me which I only discovered when I went to her journal. I must admit that I blushed but I felt so uplifted by it. What a sweet thing to do. Thank you Tammy!
You enjoy your rants..................
I never agree with them but so what!
3 weeks already?
He'll be starting school soon they grow so wonder where time goes...........
Well that says something about women - they should listen to us - Beautiful rose - I forgot the mention the pics I posted of roses - they were taken after a very heavy rain storm - really spoilt my roses and my pics...Ally
Love the rose. The waiting is definately the worst bit. At least once you have the results you can deal with it. 3 weeks wow!!! Only 6 weeks to wait for us for baby moo.
Please keep us posted on the blood results...hope they come in soon. As for Daniel, seems like only the other day he was born. That is so nice Becky will soon have the workers out of the house...and the house will be a complete home!
You have a great day...I will post after Little Guy goes to school...I am not fully awake up at 5 am...this is so hard...LOL.
Beautiful rose, we have a nip in the air too> Funny how Autumn always arrives on time, pity summer doesn't!! I hope your blood tests come through soon and with good results. Take care, Jeannette.
Beautiful rose Jeannette. Yes, there is a cooler autumnal feel to the air, I have to say that it is just right for me at the moment as I`ve been feeling rather overheated lately and the cool air is like air-conditioning for me! I`m not sure I`ll say the same thing once it gets really cold! :-)
Sandra xxxxx
There is a bit of a chill up here too. There is a bit of a bite to the wind. Lovely rose I noticed that I had a nice pink one but its on a climber so its a bit high to get a picture. Love Joan,
three weeks old already...not possible!
Gorgeous picture of the rose! Expecting only the best for you in the results! love, Barbara
It's an enchanting picture Jeannette. Time does fly, but I like it when newborns fill out a little and they're more focused, I think you can feel more what's going on in their heads.
It's a very big worry when waiting for results, I like the old saying, no news is good news though and I'm hoping that's true for you. ((( ))) xxRache
Pretty rosie :o)
Daniel is three weeks old already, wow! Those three weeks have flown by haven't they! I'm glad the work is almost finished on Becky and Dean's house, I imagine it will be a huge relief for Becky.
((((( )))))'s to you. Please let us know when you get the results m' dear.
Sara x
Beautiful yellow rose, sad they fade and die.I am trying to dry some hydrangers,green pink and off white hope they don't wilt!! Love Jeanx
Mike took an outstanding photo of the rose. It has been edited some and I like the edges. Also the red hue in the shadows of the rose's interior. I am moving very slow both physically and mentally right now. I have to organize my house first, and then go thru the files on my saved on AOL, and make it manageable. I just can't move any faster, so I would give up entirely if I tried to rush. Hope your health improves and that the tests will solve whatever problem there may be. I just want to take things easy right now. Anyone can email me at any time as I check my mail daily. Take care, mark
I thought the rose was one of your beautiful graphics please pass on my compliments to the photographer.Oh Becky nearly done A? phew ,it seems forever since you said the men had started the work, Daniel three weeks old oh where does the time go, Jan xx
my mother in law loved yellow roses! that one is beautiful! rose
The rose is beautiful,such a nice colour.Bless,little Daniel three weeks old already. . .bet hes filling out now.Becky and Dean will be so glad to get their house back.Hope your results are ok and your mind put to rest Jeannette.
I only did it because you've earned it. God bless.
3 weeks already?? Crikey where did they go?? Love the pic - thought it was just some random one you found on the internet. Don't worry about the results my fingers are crossed that everything will be alright coz I'm sure it will be :-)
I love your rose. It is so pretty it doesn't look real. I know Becky will be glad to have the house to themselves again. I hope you soon get some news on your blood work. I read what Tammy had to say about you and I feel like she does. You are one great Lady. Helen
The rose is gorgeous. Thank you for sharing. I am praying for you, I understand what you are going through, and I hope that our journals help keep your mind off of things while you wait!
be well,
Good evening Jeannette.....I wanted to drop by and say hello. I have to say that Tammy is so right about you. You are truly a very special lady. You were more than happy to welcome me to J-Land when I first started my journal and if I ever needed to ask you a question you were more than willing to answer my question. Your journal has been a pleasure to read and enjoy every time I visit. You always leave wonderful comments to my journal and you have always made me feel more than welcome. I would like you to know that you are loved here at J-Land by all of us.........
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