Well, today I am going to have a rant for a change. Yes, I am behind the petrol price protestors and hope they go ahead. Yes, it will cause disruption but how much longer are we going to sit back and do nothing? Other countries vent their feelings and let their governments know their views. We seem to sit back and take everything. If petrol prices continue to rise, hauliers will charge more, food prices will rise, all prices will rise because of the knock-on effect.
For years we have been ripped off over prices. We pay more here for our cars, we pay more here for a cd, televisions, all white goods, we pay more here for just about everything! Gas and electric prices continue to rise, community charge spirals ever upwards (for our American friends community charge is the tax we pay on our homes, it used to be called "rates"). Just last week a 71 year old man was sent to prison because he did not pay his community charge. He rightly said he could not afford it on his pension. There are thousands in his position but no concession is made for people who are old and retired. If they change the banding system for community charge as is being talked about, the prices will go even higher. Wages and pensions do not keep pace. Money is not like a piece of elastic that you can keep stretching, it only goes so far.
We pay high road tax and car tax and the highest petrol tax of any other country.
For the benefit of our American friends. In our money, you pay 37 pence per litre for your gas and 7.4 percent of that is tax. Over here we pay 95.5 pence per litre for petrol, as we call it, and 61.1 percent is tax!
There are many who have had enough and are planning action this week unless the Government steps in and does something. Knowing this Government, that is unlikely. I say good luck to them.
As for Tony Blair, when is he going to stop jetting off around the world to one destination after another and tackle the problems in this country. Is he just biding time until he steps down because he really does not have a clue what to do about things here?
Our roads arecongested and the answer seems to be to build evermore roads which they intend eventually to charge us to use. What countryside we have is fast disappearing. Well, I have an answer that would cut congestion, cut pollution, cut the number of accidents at a stroke but, of course, it would be very unpopular. My idea? To change the age at which a person can drive a car from 17 to 21 and to limit each household to two cars. That would do far more good than building endless roads. In my own street, we have a family of five and each of them has their own transport. As there is not sufficient parking space at the front of their property they often leave vehicles in the road, quite often blocking access to our own driveway (we have one small car that Mike only uses when he has to). As three of them work really locally, there is absolutely no need to drive to their employment. We have a good bus service that runs at the end of our road and a railway station close by. This is not a unique situation, we see it all over the local area where the front of multi-car owners houses look more like garages and I am sure it goes for the whole country.
I appreciate that people who live in isolated communities with little access to public transport have to have cars. It is not them I am writing about. This does not apply to the majority of people. And, more money needs to go into improving our public transport system instead of into the hands of share-holders!
My idea would never be adopted though because people would be screaming about their rights. These are the same people that moan about traffic jams, the change in climate etc. etc. but they cannot see that they are contributing.
Britain is still a good place to live but it is about time we stood together and said enough is enough, protest as strongly as we can and try to get something done. Nothing was ever achieved by saying and doing nothing.
Well, I have had my little rant and I do not intend to make this journal political, just wanted to get it off my chest.
Now for a nice cup of tea.
I agree wholeheartedly. I do not own a car, I wouldn't want to contribute to the pollution. At the hospital I work in we have so many young children suffering from asthma and other breathing difficukties. When I was young we used the old style prams that were higher and closed in, giving more protection to young babies but now everybody has buggies which are open and the baby is on a level with exhaust pipes., breathing in those fumes. I am sure a lot of poeople do not need to use their cars as much as they do. Maybe if they left them at home the level of cars on the road would drop. Jeannette.
Good for you Jeannette!!
I knew we paid more here for petrol, but I didn't realise it was THAT much more, wow, that's shocking.
Enjoy your cup of tea ;o)
Sara x
Wow, the problems you have there are very similar to ours. I paid in our dollars, 3.25 a gallon for gas, took 49.00 to fill my tank. Thats a half day of work for me! What are community charges? Local taxes? Linda
Way to go Jeannette, rant all you want to. Most of us feel the same way. We have two autos but Ken has to work and I don't want to be stuck at home without a way to go in case of emergencies. I imagine when he retires completely we will reduce down to one. Two much expenses for insurance when there is no need to have but one. Is community charge the taxes you pay every year for your home or property tax? Hope you enjoyed your cup of tea. Helen
I too agree with you about the price of petrol. We have just come in after picking up the car from the garage we tried to get petrol but our petrol station is on the M90 and is very busy at the best of times. Our kind of fuel is all sold out so we will have to try again tomorrow. Do you remember the price of fuel when we were young for me it was 4/5p per GALLON for the young thats about 23p that was in the early 60s.Just don't get me started too Jeanette/ Love Joan.
Rant on! ~~Kath~~
You go girl !! I know even here in the US, everything is getting out of hand. It has been costing me nearly $100 a month for gas, and I don't do a lot of extra driving. I wished I lived on a bus line that would get me to work without a bunch of transfers, I could get a free monthly bus pas from the health system. I can't even ride with someone else as my hours change from day to day. I plan to do a lot of things on the way home from work or carefully plan my driving route when I go on Saturdays to run errands. Even stopped for a few groceries this last Sunday after church. And my hours at work got cut back in January, so I have less money on my paycheck than I did in years previous. It's getting very difficult to make it stretch.
We only have our car through need too, although we do occasionally use it for pleasure. Really dreading the next few weeks
Maybe Tony Blair will read your rant...during one of his trips to other locals...hope so. You did a great job!
we all feel the pinch, but truly with your number quotes...you all have it much worse than us!
Thanks for ranting!
Well said Jeannett. Prices here are going to get out of control now that fuel is going up so much. My hubby is disabled and we need a car. Sighh what are we going to do? Pay it. No choice in the matter. Be nice if Gordon Brown took some of the blasted taxes off. The chances of that are slim and none.
Hope you enjoyed your tea!
yes it does seem to be higher to live over there then her but i am sorry to say i do not know anything about over there so I can not hae an opion but i do belivie that the goverment or queen who ever rules the land really needs to listen to the people do you have a voting system or anything well you can vent anytime enjoy your tea have a good day God bless kelley
all it would do if you raised the driving age is have loads of uninsured illigall drivers who would not wait the 4 years
Well said that Lady,.....not about to comment on every item here because I agree,wholeheartedly I cant drive but it doesnt stop me, I get about .Icant help thinking it didnt do us any harm to walk to school ,miles ,either !Oh Jeannette youve got me at it now , Jan xx
Jeannette - Im right behind you there with every word you have written - you voice the opinions of millions in our Country....It's about time we retaliated..Together we stand united... Wasnt it dreadful sending him to prison. What justice....Ally
right on, Sister! I had to increase my prices to cover the cost of fuel whilst the fat cats of Westminster sit on their fat arses. Power to the people!
I agree fully with you. You go Girl!!
Gem xxx
I must say I totally agree. I found your journal while doing some journal browsing, and way to go!!!!!
Living in America with our own problems, we sometimes forgot that we are not alone in certain areas. What amazes me most (and forgive me if you are not religious) but God made sure that no matter how many humans and animals are on this earth, He has supplied us with enough food and water for every single living thing for as long as we live, yet we have to pay for water let alone food. And, people are starving. People know what is wrong and even know how to fix it, yet government red tape keeps it from happening.
Thank you my friend for ranting for me. If we all feel the same way and speak out like this, why oh why does our b****y government not realise what affect this has on all of us and does something about it.... grrrrrrr!!!
Sandra xxxxx
Totally agree with everything you say Jeannette. For the record - I had to pay £1. 01.99p (as good as £1. 02p) for petrol last week, at a filling station near Charmouth.
Sylvia xx
What a great rant!! Completely agree with everything you said there!! Down here we constantly see pensioners on the local news arguing about their rates and the pension they receive. We have some of the highest prices in the country and yet we take it!! The government are useless - like you said they need to sort their own country out first before running around and sucking up to other countries!! Sorry now I'm ranting LOL
I really agree with every thing you are saying. This government could make the difference tomorow if it wanted to but it make too too much money!!!!!
Ok I'll add my comment at last and be unpopular.
I disagree with everything you have written.
I hope they lock the selfish short sighted numpties up.
I don't think taxes are high enough.
I think the community charge is fair.
It is also means tested. So if you can't afford it you get a discount and in fact can have the whoel thing paid for............
We may pay high pterol duty but fuel costs in othe Europeoan countries are frequently higher.
So that's my rant
I enjoyed your rant about petrol prices. But I think it is deeply misguided. It would be far better for us and the rest of the world if US taxes on petrol rose to our level. Americans already consume one-quarter of the world's petroleum, and with taxes as they are there has been nothing to enourage them to economise. Hydrocarbons are going to run out. Prices are starting to reflect that. Good. Our taxes mean that we will be much better prepared to deal with the acute scarcity when it comes.
All the best
Wow...Jeanette you can arrest someone for not paying their house or land taxes? They don't do that here, the land can be take eventually but to put an old person in jail is sad. You all do pay too much for petrol and have for years...who is getting rich off of it? A lot of places here in the States you need to be able to drive longer distances as there is not great public transportation unless you are in one of the large cities. Sandi
hi jeanette, your little blog sounded a lot like the one i wrote when we started to have gas price rises. its good to get it off your chest, even though the ones who can do something do not hear us. tony blair flies all over and our mr.bush does the same thing..unfortunely he has been going to new orleans lately. stay well my friend...roberta
that poor man. And if I remember my history correctly, that was one of the reasons people came to America!
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