Wednesday, September 7, 2005

My First Kiss

His name was Roger S.  His father was the Minister of the church which I attended so it was inevitable that Roger and I would be thrown together quite a bit.  He was two years older than me and I would have been about twelve when we first met.  He was tall with dark blonde hair and he was quiet and shy.  So was I.  Roger had lost an eye in an horrific accident that happened, of all places, in the classroom of his school.  It did not notice except for a scar that ran through his eyebrow and raised it more than the other one.

At first we paid little attention to each other.  I attended service twice daily and he was always there.  Occasionally I would get a little smile from him which I would coyly return.

I got more and more involved in church activities.  I became a Girl Guide (I even remember I was in Swallow patrol, all the patrols were named after birds) so that meant church parade every Sunday morning. I usually carried the flag.  Roger was in the Boys Brigade and played in the band which accompanied our march through the streets.  Gradually we got chatting and both of us started to emerge from our shells.

The church started a drama group and I joined and so did he.  I cannot remember the plays we performed after all these years but if a young couple was needed, then it was always Roger and I.  At Christmas we decorated the church tree together and we both sang in the choir.

One day he invited me to tea at his house.  I was very nervous, after all his father was the minister.  I really enjoyed it and asked my parents if Roger could come to our house. They were delighted.  This was the perfect friend for their "little girl" and obviously could be trusted one hundred percent.

So, Roger and I met on a regular basis, he would walk me home from any church activity and we would spend ages by the garden gate talking.  Sometimes we strolled in the park shyly holding hands.  We felt so adult, lost in a little world of our own.  He would take me to the cinema and we wouldamble home talking about our hopes and dreams for the future.

One night, after reaching my front gate, he seemed nervous.  I could not understand it, both of us had grown in confidence so it was not like him.  Suddenly his arms went around me and he planted a kiss on my lips, my first ever proper kiss.  A little thrill went through me and a little fear at what my parents or his parents would say if they knew.  I can recall the feeling so vividly right to this very moment.

I felt like I floated into the house.  I was a woman, yes that was it - I felt like a woman, someone other than a relative had kissed me and properly - on the lips.

We were so young but even then it seemed Roger had our future planned together.  He told me he loved me and always would.  But times were changing, this was a new era, this was the coming of Rock n' Roll, Bill Hailey and the Comets and Elvis Presley - Oh Elvis Presley.  When he became known over here, the older generation were horrified just as they were in the States.  The youth were all going to be corrupted.  Roger's father did not have a good word to say about this new trend and made his views clear from the pulpit.  But I loved the music, it awakened something in me.  I wanted to be part of this new revolution.

Of course, it spelled the end for Roger and I.  I still went to church but I was changing.  I wanted excitement. Roger seemed staid and boring, Roger seemed stuck in a time warp, he did not seem to want to move on.

I had heard of another church that ran dances in its hall and I decided to go along with a friend from school. We were so out of place in our prim little dresses and we got a few sneering looks, but as I saw all those young people jiving,  literally throwing themselves into life, I knew this was for me.  I implored my mother to get me the appropriate clothes.  She had been a great dancer herself so she could hardly refuse.  After all, I did not take after her in any other way so she saw this as an opportunity to encourage me to replicate her just a little.

The outfit I choose was red, bright flaming red. A fullcircular skirt in red felt with a matching shirt-blouse and black bootlace tie.  I could not wait to wear it but the next dance was on the coming Tuesday and we had the weekend to get through first.  I had to wear that outfit, I just had to. So I did and of all places, I wore it to church.

When I walked in it was like a scene from "Jezebel" starring Bette Davies.  You could have heard a pin drop. There was the rest of the congregation in their sombre suits, the ladies in simple floral dresses with neat hats, the youngsters all carbon copies of their parents.  Then in walked I, like a burning beacon.  Roger never spoke to me again.  He turned his back and ignored me. To him I must have seemed a fallen woman. He did not want the things that I wanted, he was happy with a quiet, ordered life.

It had been a great friendship, innocent yet loving. He was the first person to make me feel that I was also a person in my own right.  And he gave me my very first kiss.  I shall never forget it.

I was very sad for a while but then I met a flame-haired Irish whirlwind and I soon forgot my heartache over Roger.  But that, dear readers, is another story.


Anonymous said...

Do we ever forget our first kiss?
Lovely story.
Name scarily close to mine.....

Anonymous said...

oh that was a fab story Jeannette....first kisses are weird...I guess I had my first kiss when I was pretty young but will never forget the first French kiss...ick! It was disgusting! lol...

The red dress sounds fab!!!

Anonymous said...

My first Kiss - No you never forget the first kiss - do you ever see Roger around these days.  I wonder if he remembers his first kiss.  by the sound of it - it was and is his last kiss lol....Ally

Anonymous said...

I can just see you walking in in your red dress!


Anonymous said...

Lovely story, gets you thinking oh it was all so long ago.for me anyhow.  Was thinking along those line myself this morning is'nt that a coinsidence.  Love Joan

Anonymous said...

Now this is a very nice story!  Enjoyed it......thanks for sharing.  -  Barbara

Anonymous said...

I can imagine the reaction, my parents were staunch church-goers and when I wore 'unsuitable' clothes one day to church you should have heard it! In fact I think the whole of North London heard it....Dad had a bellow that would have rocked the strongest of foundations (half the problem was I wasn't wearing any...foundations that is!!!). And as for Irish whirlwind's....thats one or five of my tales as well, LOL!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

wow what a story! I have this image of you swanning down the aisle not caring and loving your outfit. Poor Roger, he didn't know what he was missing!!!! Lovely, lovely story...


Anonymous said...

Jeanette, what a lovely story, thanks for sharing it with us

Anonymous said...

Oh Jeannette...I could just picture it all in my mind as you said nice.  Thanks for posting that beautiful story.
As always, they are so good.

Anonymous said...

I bet the congregation couldn't believe their eyes_ this vision in red.What a nice story Jeannette.
Love Jeanxx

Anonymous said...

OH!  Jeanette, what a wonderful story. Little did Roger know he was the one partly to blame for you changing by awakning those feeling to want to be alive. I had to laugh out loud here by myself imagining your trip to church in you fine new clothes. Poor you getting all those bad looks. Poor Roger for what he missed out on when he gave you up. Wonder where is is today? Helen

Anonymous said...

it is usually best when young immature love doesn't last. But it's still sweet.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You see it was just this sort of entry that made me hesitate for so long ,what a lovely story, so well told....Are you really a famous auther but not telling us?Arent your little Grandsons in for a treat ,if you can tell stories this well.   Jan xx

Anonymous said...

You scarlet woman you, well, scarlet dressed woman anyway ;o)
Great story Jeannette, bet you looked stunning!
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

Oh what a beautiful story! I love the way you write! Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

I love the way you write about your memories jeannette - I always feel like I'm there with you :-)  Great story thanks for sharing!!

Anonymous said...

My first kiss was from a boy called Roger S. as well!! He also had dark blonde hair and was two years older than me but there the similarities end as 'my' Roger had a motorbike and was a bit wild in his youth. I think he turned out OK as he became a policeman but we lost touch when he left school. Jeannette.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful memory.  There's nothing like our first love.  Susan

Anonymous said...

What a great story.  My first kiss was from Ray W.  He tried for the lips and hit my cheek area.  I can't remember my first "real kiss" after that.  Funny about the red dress!  Linda

Anonymous said...

Great story, Jannette!  Do you know whatever happened to Roger?

Anonymous said...

Jezebel! I am just laughing my head off over here! I could just picture the scene. I walked into something similar one summer on a family vacation. We showed up in our typical vacation apparel (shorts, etc) to a VERY conservative church. All eyes turned to stare! The usher made us sit in the back row and told us NOT to go to communion and to leave right after that, before the rest of the crowd. Yes, we were under dressed as compared to the rest of the congregation, but honestly! You'd think we had SINNER tattooed on our foreheads.

Anonymous said...

Excellent story Jeannette.  I could just envision the stares from the conservative congregation at your entrance.    mark

Anonymous said...

What a lovely story Jeannette. How well we remember the first kiss. Thanks for sharing this as I`m sure it got everyone else remembering theirs! :-)

Sandra xxxxx

Anonymous said...

it is such a cute story, very diff to my classmate's stories(i'm 13 now)i want to live back in the past, all my friendswere like i got drunk and i can't remember who he was and that stuff none of that touching and romantic stuff!!