Saturday, September 24, 2005

This And That

We had our first frost last night, that will make the trees turn really quickly now.  Time to get out the winter duvet and the electric blanket, I am a chilly mortal and I like my comfort.

Friday afternoon Becky and the boys came over and we had a nice time.  I cannot believe how Nathan seems to grow everytime we see him.  Daniel is coming on apace as well and has his eyes open a lot more.  We are waiting for that first smile! 

Mike did another little trip out with his camera today and took some shots of our "local" seaside resort but I shall put them on another time.  Had a very quiet day today, after the housework was done and I checked the computer for alerts (hardly any today, where is everybody?)  I went to lie on the bed and read a book and fell asleep within about five minutes, so not much reading was done.

Got some nice lamb for dinner tonight and as I write it is merrily roasting away in the oven. Not doing the full works just ordinary potatoes and vegetables. Now that the cold weather is looming I shall have to get back to making lots of soup, I do love my carrot and lentil and leek and potato.

Since I found out about the journal awards (previous entry) I have been scanning each journal I visit very closely and starting to make a rough list for the different categories out, I have my beady eyes on you!



Anonymous said...

I was wondering where everyone had got to today, must be out Christmas shopping!! Hope you enjoy your lamb tonight. It's so easy to fall asleep when you lay on the bed isn't it?!! Have a good weekend. Jeannette.xx.

Anonymous said...

That picture is breathtaking - is it a photograph ? driving down our lane today I commented to my daughter that the trees in the middle of one of the fields. had started to turn colour - and that Autum had really arrived.. Glad you had a nice time with Becky and the boys, they grow so fast...Lie on the bed with a book to read is a sure way of going to sleep lol......Best thing I like about this time of the year is SOUP just love it must start making some soon...have a lovely rest of the week....Ally

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you have frost already. I am still sweltering in 90 degrees with a humidity to match. Oh, can't wait for the end of October...that is a beautiful picture makes me miss the east coast and the changing colors of fall...Sandi

Anonymous said...

MMM What time is dinner ?that sounds scrummy!Im looking forward to famous photographers pics,tho you did say he used to do weddings etc,Lovely,for you to see your wee men ,arent they special times?Is the building work done?How are you feeling now ?Better I hope        Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see the pictures Mike took. Glad you enjoyed your family time Friday. I get sleepy when I read also. Enjoy your dinner. Helen

Anonymous said...

Frost?  I've forgotten what that is.  We're at a balmy 105ºF today.  I'm so ready for double digits, especially if they start with a seven!

Anonymous said...

oh no! she has her eyes on us lol better shape up and behave then heehee jk.  I think certainly you would be in the running for one of the best UK blogs : )

Much Love,

Anonymous said...

I'd better watch my p's and q's then!!!!! With all the new journallers you help,You'll always be the duchess to me, Jeannette!!


Anonymous said...

Hope you enjoy your lamb dinner Jeannette and your soups sound delicious

Anonymous said...

mum makes soup in the winter and its lovely...roast lamb is my favourite so you had better make enough for another plate! hope you are well. love Joanne

Anonymous said...

mmm roast lamb.   I can almost smell it and it`s making my mouth water!  It was cold this morning wasn`t it?  I`m not sure whether we had a frost but it was certainly close. I`ve already got the winter duvet on and I hibernate completely inside it!   Don`t these little ones grow fast?  I`d forgotten just how quickly they grow until Roman was born. :-)

Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

Mmmmmmmmmmmmm roast lamb is my favourite. Do you you ever make chicken soup? I love it and can't make soup if my live depended on it<blush>

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful picture of autumn foliage - that timeless tranquility of England. Long may it last. Roast lamb eh - gosh that sounds so good, hope you enjoy it. And yes, there is much more of a chill to the air now. I rather like it, and I look forward to seeing a bit of frost down here again. But rain is the main thing we need. Our local river - normally a pretty substantial one - has virtually stopped flowing altogether now.


Anonymous said...

I love your pic. I'm looking forward to all the new journals we will find through the viva la vivi selection which will make it so much easier to look through journals for things we haven't discovered yet. I keep looking for our cool snap to come to Memphis but hasn't made it yet. I think fall is just awesome. It's coolness and the pool and flower garden still beautiful but at the same time can have a fire with the doors open in the house it's the best of both worlds with beautiful color everywhere. as you mentioned the electric blankets to snuggle under as it really sets in. It's rainy looking here from Rita but the rain has not arrived yet. We sure need it here and it's own it's way

Anonymous said...

We are still waiting for our first frost, I'm sure it won't be long in coming.  You sound like you have some yummy plans for the winter.  Isn't it amazing how fast children grow?  Linda

Anonymous said...

Brrrrrrr.  It was 38* on my outdoor thermometer at 6:45 this morning.  I've been turning my electric blanket on at night, and I put the flannel sheets on a couple weeks ago.  The last couple morning, I've even turned the heat on until the thermostat clicks so it will take the chill off the house, then when I get out of the shower I turn it way dawn again. Oh I hate winter...Arizona looks better and better every year at this time.

Anonymous said...

Thankfully it's not too cold here in Illinois just yet, but it will be here soon enough.  I am afraid we won't be having much color here this year because of the dry summer.  We watched the boys last night, Dakota is crawling like a madman, they grow up so fast !  rose

Anonymous said...

Nice to have a quiet day...
Have a nice Sunday too!

Anonymous said...

I am scanning the journals for nominations also.  Patrick said he was going to start accepting nominations on Friday.


Anonymous said...

oh frost already how nice I know how you like the fall time it is getting cooler here in the evenings and we have been getting rain the last few days due to the hurricaine and are expected to get some more on sun and wed and then the weekend so I have put out our fall stuff and am getting excited for our first fall here and the changing of the colors I bet both boys are getting big and more cute I am reaady for more pictures hint hint hope you have a good weekend God bless kelley

Anonymous said...

Good evening Jeannette..........I'm here. This is a beautiful photo. Its NOT quite AUTUMN in Georgia the leaves are still brown and falling from the trees. I hope that AUTUMN comes soon. I can't wait for a little cooler weather here its still hot here in Georgia. I can't wait for the change of weather......I will drop by again soon. Take care......

Anonymous said...

I like makings soups. There's definitely that feeling in the air now, even though the sunshinehas been struggling on bravely here.

Anonymous said...

Hello Jeanette :)

Thank-you so much for dropping by my journal Ellipsis and saying such a nice little "hello." :) I love meeting new people, pleased to meet you! I hope you will come by Ellipsis again soon. :) Take care lovely one, and I will be back to see the photos of the seaside resort you mentioned. I love the sea. :)

Always, Carly :)

Anonymous said...

Lovely picture was that one of his indoors not this year I hope.  Glad to hear the family are all doing so well.  Sorry I'm still running a bit late with comments but came accross Stuarts crossword so we have been having a go at that.  Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

I really love Autumn!I love the fresher mornings especially if the sun is shining.Mmmmh roast lamb and mint sauce. .sounds delicious.

Anonymous said...

I love the pic you used today Jeannette, or yesterday, as I'm a little behind!
My stomach is rumbling at your description of the soup you make, carrot and lentil and leek and potato, that must be delicious!!  Mmmm and roast lamb.  Ooh, I should have eaten before I came ;o)
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

Today is finally cooling down with a slow rain from Rita.  Thankfully the coast was spared a second Katrina!   We expect gas prices to go up, but won't know how badly the refineres were damaged untill awhile.  With the ice caps melting and the sea temperatures rising it is a clear indication of human made global warming.  Well, all we can do is pray and do our little parts.   I will try to stay optomistic and not let it depress me too much.  Every generation has had its problems, and ours has these.   mark

Anonymous said...

I bet you are waiting for that first smile - bless him :-)  Ooooooooooo lamb dinner!!  We had that for Sunday lunch - I love lamb and mint sauce!!