Saturday, September 10, 2005


We have a new journal, just started this very Saturday evening.

She was worried, as we all were when we started, that she would get no comments, that nobody would want to read what she wrote.

Well, my dear readers and J-Land friends, we can prove her wrong can't we?

Please go and make her very welcome and encourage her so that she becomes a regular part of our wonderful community.  Here is the link:-

joanne's journal

Thank you, because I know you will, you have never let me down so far.



Anonymous said...

On my way  ~~Kath~~

Anonymous said...

You know us by now...we all will pay her a visit and welcome her with open arms...hope your weekend is a good one...enjoy the little ones.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip off Jeannette, have been and commented and am looking forward to hearing lots more from Joanne :o)
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

You're so nice helping with new journal people!!
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

Just going there now lol

Anonymous said...

okie dokie, headed that way. Helen

Anonymous said...

Well you did it for me, didnt you ,and look what happened , wow  on My way Jan xx

Anonymous said...

I will pop over :)........Jules xxxxxx

Anonymous said...

thanks jeannette
i have lost count of the replys i have had and they are all because of you.
i have so much stuff in my head that i want to share with everybody. its a good job baby bryce still sleeps for 2 hours in the day as i can do my writing then.
you have been an inspiration to me...thank you.
remember deep breaths and positive thoughts today...tomorrow...and everyday!