Thursday, September 29, 2005

Thursday Thoughts

Isn't this graphic pretty (courtesy of The Tag Lounge)  and so appropriate for Autumn.

I had to delete all my alerts yesterday. I hate doing that but I could hardly move.  Whether I slept awkwardly or twisted myself I do not know but yesterday I could not even turn due muscle pain in my upper back. It is normally my lower back I get trouble with so this was something different.  Oh the joys of getting old!  It is somewhat better today but very stiff so I am not going to push things and I am going to limit my computer time. I will catch up with you all when I can.

Hope some of you are able to use the soup recipes in the previous posting and that you enjoy them.

So what did I do yesterday? Well I rested mostly but I did get to see some television.  I have not watched nearly so much since I got involved with journals.  On Channel 5 there was a documentary about James Dean and what happened on the day he died.  The first thing that shocked me was when they said it was fifty years ago.  Fifty years! Does not seem possible, I remember when it happened, reading about it in the newspaper and how shocked everyone was that this very talented young man was no more.  I was too young then to have seen Rebel Without A Cause although I have seen it many times since, but he was already an icon to young people the world over due to all the publicity he received.  Questions have been asked ever since as to what really happened, was he speeding, was he actually at the wheel of the car at the time or was it the German mechanic?  Well, with modern technology, they were able to reconstruct exactly what happened that day.  The conclusions were that the drivers of both cars were well over the speed limit and that there was no doubt that James Dean was the driver at the time.  Had he been going 20 m.p.h. slower, he would have avoided the accident entirely.  It was a very interesting programme although it was repetitive in parts and could have been done in a shorter length of time.

How strange that so many of the actors involved in Rebel WithoutA Cause died untimely deaths. Dean himself in the crash, Natalie Wood who drowned in circumstances that have never completely been explained, Sal Mineo who was murdered outside his home and Nick Adams who died of a drug overdose that is presumed to have been suicide.  They certainly seem to have been a doomed generation.

On a completely different note I watched "How Clean Is Your House".  Oh dear, had me wondering if these sorts of programmes are set-ups in any way,  whether when they "apply" to the t.v. company people are told to ensure that their homes stay as dirty as possible until filming commences or even make them dirtier.  I really do not know.  All that puzzles me is why would people want to display their homes on t.v. when they are infested with cockroaches, have toilets that have not been cleaned in years, cookers so thick with grease that you cannot see where to put the pans?  Surely these people realise that all their neighbours, friends, family and work colleagues will be able to view.  I would be ashamed. Yes, my house does get untidy because it is lived in.  But it does not get filthy, it is not a health hazard.  The woman featured last night had 17lbs of fat removed from her cooker and her kitchen!  Her reason "I do not do cookers"!  This from a woman with four children. Well, it looked as though she never did anything else either.  What amazes me is the way they stand there watching whilst Kim and Aggie and helpers set about cleaning up.  They stand goggle-eyed as though they had never seen soap and water, never seen a vacuum or a duster,  never knew you could actually clean anything.  Of course, they always promise to keep their houses perfect from now on.  I wonder whether they actually do once the cameras have left for good.

Mike took the winter duvet down to the launderette and put it in the big washer. So, no more cold nights!  It will be going back on the bed today.  The launderette is very close to the river so, of course, he took a few shots and I will share one with you today.  I like the way he caught the seagull in flight even though he did not notice at the time.

Anyway, I am going off now to get Mike to rub my back and just relax.  Wonder if I will find anything decent to watch on the t.v. today?  I will catch up with you all when I can.

Have a good day everyone.


Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear that you are not well, hope you have a speedy recovery.  Re the program you watched, i don't know how people can get their homes into a mess like that i too would be ashamed.  I have seen homes like that in my job but we have to see through it and see to the client.  The picture of the swans and ducks is really nice, thanks for sharing.

Jo xxx

Anonymous said...

Good morning Jeannette,
I too love the graphic...very pretty.  
I am praying that you upper back muscle gets better have sure had your share of those problems.  I too did not sleep well, same reason. I can relate!  
I agree on the Rebel Without A Cause movie stars...the untimely deaths of all.  So strange.  They did a documentary about it over here one time.  Of course, I missed it.  
I want to see the Clean House show, it is on here too...but have not seen it.  I heard a couple of reviews about it though.  
I hope you have a great day and FEEL BETTER SOON!!!  Lots of hugs across the ocean,

Anonymous said...

Jeannette, I was a bad girl and stole your graphic!  I hope you don't mind.  I like the swans pictures.  The gull is interesting but I think he would be better out of the picture!  LOL!  Linda

Anonymous said...

Like Jo Ive seen some homes almost as bad as that and it can be difficult, getting them to accept outside help,but that is the elderly ,these people have no excuse and certainly,I cant justify the money and people it must take to clean these places up,Kim and Aggie couldnt do it all on their own !Sorry you are in pain again dear ,Idont suppose it helps sitting in one position over the computer for long periods of time ,does it ,Hope you soon feel better      Jan xx

Anonymous said...

I hope that back of yours is better today.  Yes, getting older is a pain !  My mom who is 83 says if you think you feel bad now, wait til you're my age !  I just move a little slower some days and eventually get it all done.  Take good care !  'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

Loved the graphic and the photo.  I am so sorry that you are in pain.
My Uncle is in hospital with MS at the moment and is in a great deal of pain too.  We will pray for you.

Much love Helen xx

Anonymous said...

So sorry about your back Jeannette, Hope it soon gets to feeling better. Love the autumn gaphic, and your name tag. The picture is lovely too even though the gull is odd man out. Just keep on taking it easy and maybe your back will get well quick. Helen

Anonymous said...

Garlic leek and potoato soup is DELICIOUS!!!  will try out red lentil and carrot tomorrow. Thanks for them.

Sorry about your back.  Hope you are well soon.  Graphic is lovely.


Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear your back is painful, try and rest all you can . Love the photo with the swans

Anonymous said...

hello my friend very pretty graphic hope you are feeling better soon. Yes it is tragic about james dean they just had the james dean festival a few townes over here last weekend it is a very big event here and they go all out the whole towne it is at gets very full as did we signs all over welcoming james dean fans it is getting cooler here as well we had rain all day yeaterday and today cooler sweater weather and I am not used to cold weather so this winter will take some getting used to hope you have a good day God bless kelley

Anonymous said...

I was wondering where you had got to yesterday, sorry you weren't around due to pain. I do hope it gets better soon and you're back to normal. The swans and cygnets are gorgeous, not forgetting the gull! The graphic lovely, very autumnal with her dead leaf wings!! Take care, love Jeannette.

Anonymous said...

take care !

Anonymous said...

I kind of know what you are going through. Being disabled, the worst ot it is my lower back and legs but it is now also from the neck down. I am having a bad time of the middle of my back up these past few days. It isn't fun!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry your back is giving you problems, Jeannette.  I hope you feel better soon.  I have watched, "How clean is your house," and wondered the same kinds of things.  I would never want my house on TV if it looked like that!  Mine might get strowed, but it is as you say, never filthy!!!!!  The graphic is beautiful.  All of these graphic groups do such a great job, don't they?  I love the photo, it is lovely.  It is a shame that so many of the actors in that movie died untimely deaths.  So sad. When I worked for the hospital, my boss was a huge James Dean fan and she had a life sized poster of him in our office, lol.  Feel better soon.  I agree, growing old does suck completely with all the aches and pains it brings, but I'll just bet when those beautiful grandsons of yours come over, you probably can put them on the back burner for a little while!  :-)


Anonymous said...

I always wonder if they are setups but think they are probably desperate family members that think that might be the only way to shock them into doing something.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanette - I like the sound of the garlic soup recipe - will give it a bash this weekend


Anonymous said...

I don't know the reason for other people's poor house-keeping skills, but I know my own. The husband and I are both a bit cluttered and slobbish. I went on strike from cleaning when I first moved away from home. Why? Because my mother turned me into an indentured servant as soon as I was old enough to manage a mop. Every Saturday I would be required to mop, dust, and scrub the entire house. For years and years I did the vast majority of the cleaning. And trust me, it was much more extensive than giving a child a few chores to teach responsibility. *sigh* But I try to keep the actual FILTH to a minimum. I do clean my sinks and toilets, stove top and floors. I don't use the vac as often as I probably should and never make the beds. LOL Of course the problem I have now is my child has NO IDEA how to pick up after himself. It looks like a toy store exploded in here most of the time. Ah well. We are relaxed about it. Homes are for living in. I never had a desire to have a show place.  I love the photo of the swans...they are such elegant looking birds.

Anonymous said...

I'm using one of your recipes this weekend.....thanks for printing them...Ally

Anonymous said...

I`m sorry to hear that your poor back has been so bad Jeannette, but glad to hear that you are a little better today.  How right you are about Kim and Aggie, I can`t believe that anyone can let their house get into such a state, and then when it is so bad they invite a TV program to show them up for the slovenly people they are.  If it were me I`d die of embarrassment, but then I DO "do cookers"! :-)

Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

You are having a bad time just now hope it all clers up very soon.  My neck suffers sitting too long at the computer as I wear varifocal specs and I am inclined to tilt my head back to read the screen and my neck can really get very sore,could this be your problem. Goodnight Jeannette slep well.  Joan.

Anonymous said...

Well my flat may not be as spick and span as my mum and sisters places but it is clean...I can understand how stuff can pile up but the places on that programme are health hazzards...I can't watch it as it makes me feel physically sick...Love thr graphic and the pics of the swans...Sorry to hear you are poorly hope you are better soon

Anonymous said...

Hoping that your stiffness and pain will lessen.   I go through this nearly every day and some days are so off that laying on a board and reading is the best I can hope for.   I have been working on my addition some, just a little at a time, and I know not to lift beyond a certain weight.  I will be getting some help for the things that would cause be strain.   The swans at the river are fantastic.  I am studing the little waves as they are so clear and defined.  I hope to be able to look at them to work on my painting when I get to the canvas this winter.   My best wishes to you and your family.      mark

Anonymous said...

Good evening........This graphic is beautiful. There is a show I watch on t.v. here in Georgia that's known as "Everwood". The characters and the plots on the show keep me watching. Some of the twists and turns on the show have me wanting to scream because some of the twists and turns are absolutely dumb but I keep watching.

I really hope that you get to feeling better soon......Take care Jeannette

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

I hope your back feels better soon!  {{ hugs }}

Be well,